Page 14 - oct2022
P. 14

October 2022                         October 2022

 With  the  major  works  completed  on  our  main  land  holding  west  of  The  Hollow
 Road,  we  are  now  following  up  with  small  scale  improvements  on  some  of  the   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
 more tricky bits and pieces.
 Foremost amongst these will be the wet ground at the base of Smokeham Bottom
 (just up from the entrance to Blackdown House) where we will be taking out the
 remaining  few  tall  conifers  which  have  proved  troublesome.  The  lovely  line  of   Sundays 10.30am Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our
 limes  planted  along  the  roadside,  but  grown  so  leggy  because  of  the  conifer   Youth Worker, John Williams.
 shading,  will  be  crown  reduced,  pollarded  or  coppiced  according  to  their
 individual shapes  - limes  respond  well to all  these  treatments. Oaks  planted  last   Our services also go out live on YouTube (
 winter further up the road have managed to survive this exceptional summer.    BereRegisChapel or search ‘Bere Regis Chapel).’
       Mondays at 7:30pm STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 There  will  be  some  thinning  out  of  the  exotic  conifers  north  of  Allotments
 Plantation    ie  mostly  those  which  can  been  seen  protruding  above  the  skyline   Tuesdays at 7.30pm Bible Study and Prayer, meeting in the Manse and
 when looking up from the bus shelter.    also on zoom.
       Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group, contact Suzie on
 Right over the in the west, alongside the Affpuddle Road, the discreet enclave of   07962142552
 exotic conifers will be removed.
       At the time of writing, it has been 6 days since the passing of Her Majesty Queen
 All extraction will be either southwards through the site and/ or along the roads to   Elizabeth II.  Whilst the decease of a 96-year-old woman is in itself unremarkable,
 our usual the timber stack area.
       her death has been one that has had a personal effect on me. In my relatively
 Also alongside the Affpuddle Road a second tranch of coppicing will take place   short life (I’m in my early 30s) the Queen has been one of the few constants in an
 and the deer fencing moved from the now well grown first tranch to protect the   ever-changing and chaotic world. Hearing ‘God save the King’ sang before the
 new tranch.  General ongoing management will include more gorse coppicing   England  cricket  teams  test  match  on  Saturday  left  me  feeling  both  sad  and
 along the 'top road'.   surreal.
 On our land holding east of The Hollow Road (known as Hollow Woods) we have   I believe in many ways the late Queen was a remarkable woman. One of those
 previously  thinned  out  exotic  conifers  west  of  the  bisecting  footpath  to   ways  was  her  political  neutrality  as  she  navigated  a  reign  spanning  15  prime
 encourage mixed woodland. East of the footpath we now intend to take out all   ministers.  For  me,  however,  what  was  even  more  remarkable  was  the  extent  to
 the exotic conifers to restore heathland which will connect over the road to that   which she acknowledged the place and effect of Jesus Christ in her life.
 owned  and  managed  by  Henry  Hogger.  The  marginal  broadleaved  woodland   In her Christmas broadcast of 1952, Elizabeth said “Pray for me… that  God  may
 will of course be retained and encouraged.  Like our main land, this area also has   give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making,
 a Wildfire Mitigation Plan  including the fire retardant broadleaved woodland and   and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” Even at the
 access provision.
       tender age 26 years old, she acknowledged a need and dependence upon the
 We hope to start in mid September and as always tolerance of our operations is   wisdom that comes from God.
 much appreciated.
       Nearly  five  decades  later,  in  the  year  2000,  she  said  “For  me  the  teachings  of
 Lesley Haskins   Christ  and  my  own  personal  accountability  before  God  provide  a  framework  in
       which  I  try  to  lead  my  life.  I,  like  so  many  of  you,  have  drawn  great  comfort  in
       difficult  times  from  Christ’s  words  and  example.”  Elizabeth  was  arguably  the
       greatest  living  person  at  the  turn  of  the  century  when  she  gave  this  speech.  In
       terms  of  prestige  and  position,  the  British  monarch  is perhaps  more  famous  and
       influential  than  the  monarchs  of  other  nations.  Yet  Elizabeth  in  this  speech
       recognises a great authority than herself, one to which she is accountable, as we
       all are.

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