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October 2022                         October 2022


 Book launch of   Leonora Sheppard and Sue Taylor are publishing an up-dated,   The  colours  of  creation  will  start  to  change  and  an
 edited and augmented by Leonora, edition of Sue’s History of the Parish, originally   autumnal feel will be upon us.
 published in 2014.
       Our  next  service  at  Bere  Heath  will  be  on  Sunday  6th
    You are invited to the book launch which will hopefully be in October, date to   November at 2pm as we do have a service in October
 be announced.   as its too near our Harvest service. The service will be led
       by  Rev  John  Yarrien  and  Holy  Communion  will  be
    Leonora has produced a fantastic edition of the book, which will be on sale at   celebrated.
 the launch and in the  Village Shop.   All profits from the sale of the book will be
 shared between the Village Shop, the Church and the Village Hall.   October’s Craft  and  Kids will be on  Saturday  22nd  October and  theme  will  be
       ”Light”  2-30-3.45 pm. The afternoon is for Children and their parents. Parents can
       join in craft activities or sit and chat , have a hot drink and chill.

 VILLAGE HALL WORKING   We hope that you all have a good October when it comes and there is always a
       warm  welcome at Bere Heath Chapel.
 PARTY   Blessings    Peter Jenner – Lay worker and part of Ministry Team.

 A  big  thankyou  to  the  party  of  volunteers,
 including  Angela,  John,  Jenny,  Angie,  Peter,
 Anne and Andrea, who took part in the major      G P Lewis
 cleaning  exercise  for  the  Village  Hall.
 Cobwebs  have  been  cleared,  windows   Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator
 washed, floors scrubbed, curtains cleaned and rehung and a multitude of other
 tasks completed to make the facilities shine and fit for any event.
         All aspects of painting and
 We  are  very  fortunate  to  have  this  historic  and  well-equipped  facility  in  the   decorating undertaken including
 village, available for the use and benefit of the community. We are pleased that
 the good acoustics and availability of a high-quality piano has attracted several   Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
 choirs and music groups who, in addition to our own Briantspuddle Singers, use it   and Commercial.
 regularly  for  their  rehearsals.  But  it  would  be  great  if  members  of  our  local
 community could benefit more, by supporting the existing range of activities that   Qualified and with over 30 years
 are operating there, by taking the initiative to start new activities and by using it   experience, will offer friendly
 for family parties and celebrations.
         advice if needed.
 The  Village Hall Committee have just agreed to maintain the hiring rates at the   1st class finish
 same  levels  that  have  existed  for  the  last  seven  years  or  so,  to  encourage      If you require a job done hassle free
 maximum accessibility for all, despite increasing costs. So do take advantage of      Free written quotes   by an honest, friendly tradesman
 what  is  available  in  your  village.  Regular  activities,  with  contacts  who  can  give      Fully insured   please give Gavin a call on
            No job too small or big            01929 471704 or 07977
                                                       047314, Email:
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:      No VAT

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