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October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       LOCAL CHOIR NEWS                                                                     BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
       Music at St Peter’s Dorchester

       You are warmly invited to our monthly cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong     AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
       on  Saturday  22nd  October  at  4.30pm  in  St  Peter’s  Church,  Dorchester.  Music   COUNCIL
       includes: Ayleward 'Preces & Responses', Sumsion 'Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G'
       and Ireland ‘Greater love hath no man’. Please join us for a glass of wine after the
       service.  Please  follow  us  on  Facebook  (@musicatstpetersdorch)   and  Twitter   The Parish Council is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen
       (@musicatstpeter)  to  keep  up  to  date  with  our  busy  programme  of  musical   Elizabeth II.
                                                                                            The  Queen  made  good her vow  of  service which she  embraced  at  the tender
                                                                                            age of 21. At the time of her passing, we want to express our thanks for this service
                                                                                            and her life well lived. The example The Queen set throughout her long reign will
                                                                                            continue to endure as a vivid inspiration to us all and for this we are most grateful.

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their                During  the  period  of  National  Mourning,  as  a  mark  of  respect,  the  September
          advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of            meeting of The Parish Council was cancelled.
             their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

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