Page 12 - oct2022
P. 12

October 2022                         October 2022


 This  year’s  Horticultural
 Show,  and  the  supper
 and  quiz  night  that
 followed,   were   well
 supported.    There  were
 36   entrants   who
 displayed 241 exhibits in
 this year’s show, a slight
 decrease  from  the  last
 show   in   2019,   but
 considering the very dry
 and  hot  weather  this
 y e a r    a n d    t h e
 consequent   adverse
 effect   on   flowers
 produce a fine turnout.
 However  despite  the
 prevailing situation there were a large number of prize winners, only two entrants
 didn’t receive a prize, which rather proves the point “that to win it you have to
 enter it”.

 The  Horticultural  show  is  now  in its  51   year  if  we  discount  the  two  years  of  the
 Covid pandemic when it was not possible to hold a show and it was very pleasing
 to see old and some new entrants supporting the show:
 The Bladen Social Club Cup
 Most points in section 2 (vegetables) – Selwyn McGrorty
 The Norman Read Rose Bowl
 Most points in section 3 (flowers) – Pat Hall
 The Kayll Cup
 Most points in section 4 (flower arrangements) – Pat Hall

 The Martin Debenham Cup
 Most points in section 6 (homecraft) – Jean McGrorty
 The Ron Jones Cup
 Most points in section 7 (photography) – Roger Hewitt
 The Novelty Cup
 Best decorated face mask – Angela Herrera

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