Page 54 - br-oct-2021
P. 54

October 2021                                                                        October 2021
                                                                                           We are hopeful that the situation will improve with the pandemic unwinding and
       POETRY CORNER                                                                       the recruitment of drivers. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we
                                                                                           tackle the issues at hand, many of which are outside of DC’s control.
       Roger the Rooster                      To keep them warm at night, with

                                              feathers they are blessed,                   Bere Regis Poole Roundabout & Rye Hill closure
       They give me eggs for breakfast.       And the rooster’s name is Roger,             There  is  to  be  major  resurfacing  and  repair  works  on  Rye  Hill,  Bere  Regis  in
       What more can I say?                   because that’s what he does best.            November. From Monday 1st November 20:00 to Wednesday 3rd 06:00 the road
       They drop them in a nesting box,                                                    will be closed at night between the hours of 20.00 and 06.00 but it will be open
       when they want to lay.                 When the night has fallen, at the end        daily.  Then  from  Wednesday  3rd  06:00  to  Friday  5th  06:00  the  closure  will  be  in
       They always have fresh water. I make   of a working day,                            place  24  hours  per  day.  During  the  closure  periods  there  will  be  no  on  street
                                                                                           parking  available.  Parking  restrictions  will  be  imposed  to  prevent  waiting  or
       sure they are fed.                     They settle for the evening, and that is     parking  on  the  road.  Any  vehicle  waiting  in  contravention  of  any  restriction
       And then to keep them safe at night,   where they stay.                             imposed by this Notice may be removed under the provisions of the Removal and
       I lock them in a shed.                 They roost upon a perch. I don’t know        Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986. If a vehicle has been towed the owner will
                                                                                           need  to  contact  our  towing  contractors  Bride  Valley  on  01305  889421.  Dorset
       That is where they go, when the sun    the reason why.                              Council will be repairing sections of road within the area marked in red indicated
       sets in the west,                      Until the morning breaks, and the sun        on the map. The main diversion route is marked in blue. National regulations state
       And the rooster’s name is Roger,       lights up the sky.                           that we have to divert traffic onto the same classification of road as the one we
       because that’s what he does best.      I don’t have to say much more. I think       have closed. There will also be a local diversion in place for villagers. In the current
                                              you know the rest.                           financial climate, the highways service has had to focus its budget on targeting
                                                                                           the most damaged sections of road and areas with safety issues and this is one. I
       Chorus                                 The rooster’s name is Roger, because         will  put  notice on the various  Facebook  pages if  there are any changes  (which
       He is first up in the morning when the   that’s what he does best.                  there might be) to the dates of the work and the closure needed. I have included
       grass is wet with dew.                                                              a PDF attachment (at the end of this report) for those people receiving this via the
                                                                                           internet showing the Diversion - which is very long for the reasons stated above.
       He is first up in the morning to do                 Paul J Openshaw 2021
       what roosters do.                                                                   The residents of Bere Regis will be able to follow the diversions in place to access
                                                                                           their properties  and  to  travel in  and  out.  Access  for residents,  is  for  any resident
       You can tell he’s done long service                                                 that  live  within  the  works  area  and  they  will  be  guided  through  the  site  to  their
       by the medals on his chest,                                                         properties whilst the closure is in place. People in the village will also be able to
       And the rooster’s name is Roger,                                                    access the bypass to and from the western end.
       because that’s what he does best.                                                   If you wish to discuss any issues regarding this work, please contact Jason Loibl Site
                                                                                           Agent Dorset Highways 01305 228100.

       Chickens have a pecking order. They
       often have their tiffs.                                                             Latest Update from Dorset Highways

       It seems to take a while, to work out                                                Additional Stakeholder Information (local) for Southbrook Roundabout, Bere Regis
       buts and ifs.
                                                                                           From Monday 1st November 2021 at 8pm to Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at
       They scratch around the                                                             6am, the road will be closed overnight between the hours of 8pm and 6am but it
       undergrowth, when they are free to                                                  will be open during the day.
                                                                                           Then from Wednesday 3rd November 2021 from 6am to Friday 5th November 2021
       But they seem to like the hen house                                                 at 6am, the closure will be in place 24 hours per day.
       and they think of that as home.

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