Page 52 - br-oct-2021
P. 52

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

                                                                                            submit location-specific concerns and project ideas to help us improve Dorset’s
                                                                                            public rights of way.
                                                                                            The survey will allow respondents to: –
                                                                                            Highlight a “missing link” where a new path would join up the network.

                                                                                            Identify  a  strategic  route  linking  communities  that  could  be  shared  by  walkers,
                                                                                            equestrians & cyclists
                                                                                            Explore the possibility of creating a safe off-road route where walkers, equestrians
                                                                                            and cyclists currently must use the road
                                                                                            Pinpoint good locations to improve a path’s surface, replace stiles with gates and
                                                                                            generally indicate where small measures can potentially make a big impact

                                                                                            Suggest areas where better signage would be useful
                                                                                            Raise concerns and how they might be addressed
                                                                                            Reveal historic details such as old stiles and river crossings that need protecting
                                                                                            Let us know how we might work together on ideas and initiatives.

                                                                                            After collating and reviewing the feedback from the consultation, Dorset Council
                                                                                            officers will draft a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan early next year. This plan
                                                                                            will  be  publicly  consulted  on  in  the  Spring,  with  the  final  version  published  and
                                                                                            presented to Cabinet for approval in Summer 2022.
                                                                                            Please fill in the questionnaire online at the Dorset Council website by midnight 31


                                                                                            We  are  not  (yet)  holding  face  to face  meetings  for  the  moment.  However,  we
                                                                                            would  be  more  than  delighted  to  talk  to  you  on  the  telephone  or  via  Zoom.
                                                                                            Please ring or email us with some details so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s
                                                                                            email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is
                                                                                    telephone 07814 569563.
                                                                                                             Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

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