Page 51 - br-oct-2021
P. 51

October 2021                         October 2021


 BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL   Tuesday  14th  September saw a  return  for the  members
                             of  the  Floral  Group  with  a  lively  and  humorous
                             demonstration  from  Carole  Norman.    She  kept  us
                             entertained  with  chirpy  chatter  whilst  creating  some
 Chairman:         07900 906278   d e l i g h t f u l
 Mathers                     arrangements.    The
                             theme was Hearts and
 Vice   Bryan   07969 770890    Flowers  so  she  had
 Chairman:  Benjafield       chosen  to  do  several
                             topics  on  that  theme
 Parish   Amanda   07855 396076   using  a  variety  of  creative  bases  including  a
 Clerk:     Crocker   metal heart, a fabulous bark log and an ornate

 The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  9th  September  2021  in  the  Drax  Hall.  No
 members of the public were present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 14th
 October  2021.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are  welcome  and  there  is  a
 period for public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend but wish to
 submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the
 Parish Council.

 Court Farm and Dorset Wildlife Trust
 Members of the Parish Council met with Brian Bleese and Imogen Davenport of
 the DWT on site on the 2nd September to listen to the proposals and find out how
 they  wanted  the  Parish  Council  to be involved.  This is  still  at  a very  early  stage,
 with the  land not  becoming available  until  after  the 28th  September. However,   The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will
 the  Parish  Council  is  keen  to  support  the  various  initiatives  proposed  and  will   be  on  Tuesday  12   October  at  2pm  in
 continue to discuss how the two parties can work together for the benefit of the   Winterborne Kingston village hall.
 parish.     The  demonstrator  for  the  afternoon  is  Martina
       Coleman,  and  her  title  is  Strictly  Flowers.

       We  look  forward  to  welcoming  back  our
 Community Speed Watch   members, friends and visitors.  If it is your first visit
 This initiative continues, with huge thanks to Angie and Ian Wright and their team   to the club, it is free of charge.
 of volunteers. A snapshot of their findings for July and the beginning of August:   For  more  information  contact  chairman  Bob
 Saturday 14th August between 5-6 pm: 556 vehicles came through the village. Of   Holman on 01305 848262 or just turn up on the
 these 34 were travelling in excess of 30 mph.   day. We would love to see you!

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