Page 49 - br-oct-2021
P. 49

October 2021                         October 2021

 Cemetery Improvement Community Project   FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN
 Thanks are extended to Alison Bennett and her team for undertaking this project.
 The shelter at the top of the cemetery has been refurbished and looks as good as   ‘Are  you  considering  adoption  but
 new. The trees and bulbs are to be planted in October 2021 and new benches   not  sure  where  to  start?  Families  for
 will be installed. We would like to thank the folks from Nisa for making this possible   Children  is  holding  an  information
 by giving a grant of £2,200 for the project.    session to give you the opportunity to
       find out more.
    Communications   Whether  you  are  in  a  relationship,
       single,  mixed  race,  LGBT+  we  would
 It  is  always  difficult  trying  to
 c o n t a c t    a s    m a n y   love to speak to you! So come along
 parishioners  as  possible  to   and  talk  to  our  friendly  team  at  this
 keep them on top of what is   information  session  to  find  out  more.
 happening  in  the  parish  –   All  information  sessions  are  currently
 whether  it  is  notification  of   held via Zoom.
 road  closures,  local  events,   To  book  please  contact  Families  for  Children  on  01364  645480  or  email
 village meetings or anything  or  alternatively  you  can  book  online
 else. We do, of course, have   at
 the  Parish  notice  boards,
 Facebook  and  the  Parish   The next meetings are scheduled for:
 Magazine but not everyone   Thursday 23rd September 6.00-8.00pm
 sees these or chooses to use
 them.  We  would,  therefore,  like  to  start  up  an  email  communications  system   Saturday 9th October 10am-12noon
 which  parishioners  can  sign  up  to  if  they  wish  to  be  kept  informed.  If  this  is
 something you might find of interest, please contact the Clerk and confirm that   Monday 1st November 6pm-8pm
 you would be happy for your email details to be held, and that you would like to   Tuesday 23rd November 3pm-5pm
 receive updates. Your contact information will never be passed to a third party
 and your details can be removed at any time on request.    Wednesday 8th December 6pm-8pm

 Next Meeting
 The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14th October 2021, commencing 7pm
 at the Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,
 please  contact  the  Clerk  or  a  member  of  the  Parish  Council  by  the  end  of
 Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis Parish Council

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