Page 44 - br-oct-2021
P. 44

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

                                                                                            different  from  the  more  familiar  Red  Campion.  Then,
                                                                                            currently  two  plants  that  have  just  appeared  in  the
                                                                                            churchyard;  a  miniature  member  of  the  foxglove
                                                                                            family,  which  has  the  delightful  modern  name  of
                                                                                            Weasel’s  Snout.  Secondly,  a  small  spike  flower  –
                                                                                            Vervain  which  has  ancient  names  as  Holy  Herb  and
                                                                                            Enchantment  Herb.   There are  well  known cultivated
                                                                                            forms that are common garden plants.
                                                                                            If you are interested in the derivation of plant names
                                                                                            there is a delightful book by Geoffrey Grigson  called
                                                                                            ‘The Englishman’s Flora’, which is fascinating reading,
                                                                                            in  which  the  author  has  researched  literature  from
                                                                                            over 500 years, many of them herbals,  to investigate
                                                                                            the local uses of our ‘common’ plants.

                                                                                            Conservation Working Parties – we need your help

                                                                                            After a long pause we will be resuming our Conservation Working Parties on the
                                                                                            morning of Saturday 2  October. We will meet at the stream bridge near to the
                                                                                            Scout  Hut,  Elder  Road at  10am.  We  normally  finish about 12.00.  We  need  more
                                                                                            volunteers  and  your  help  for  our  conservation  working  parties  as  many  hands
                                                                                            make for light work! All are welcome at our conservation working parties (under
                                                                                            16s  should  be  accompanied  by  an  adult).  No  experience is  required,  there’s  a
                                                                                            friendly crowd, it is great fun and good exercise too!
                                                                                             Our  main  task  at  this  working  party  will  be  to  clear  some  of  the  dense
                                                                                            undergrowth that has grown up over the past two summers – this will allow more
                                                                                            light  to reach  the ground and  for  a range  of  wild flowers  to  thrive. If  you  have
                                                                                            shears or loppers, please bring them with you. If not, spares will be available and
                                                                                            any other necessary tools provided.
                                                                                            Additional Conservation Work Parties will be held on Saturday 6  November and
                                                                                            Saturday 4  December. Further dates in 2022 will be announced nearer the time.

                                                                                            Contact Us

                                                                                            If you  would  like to know more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  and  Environment
                                                                                            Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:
                                                                                            Tony Bates at / 01929 471563 or

                                                                                            Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942

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