Page 26 - br-oct-2021
P. 26

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       Waste Collection Service                                                             Outstanding
       As many of you will know there have been recent incidents of missed collections.                                         At last, I thought, someone out there,
       The  effects  of  the  national  HGV  driver  shortage,  coupled  with  the  continuing   When I heard the word
       impact  of  the  pandemic,  are  starting  to  be  felt  across  Dorset  Council’s  waste   “outstanding”,               Has recognised his worth.
       services as collection rounds feel the strain. The impact of the driver shortage is   I could not believe my ears.
       being  felt  by  councils  across  the  country.  In  Dorset,  some  crews  are  regularly                               I am afraid this was short lived.
       having to work overtime and often at weekends, which is not sustainable. These       A lump came to my throat,           When I enquired a little more.
       pressures  also  come  on  the  back  of  a  year  of  increased  household  waste   And my eyes filled up with tears.   “Your boy, is outstanding in the corridor,
       amounts as more people stay and work from home. Dorset Council members and
       senior officers recently briefed local MPs on the issues currently impacting waste   This child of mine had been hard    Over there, beside the door”.
       collections,  street  cleansing  and  bin  deliveries,  in  the  hope  that  a  long-term   work,
       solution can be found.
                                                                                            Since the moment of his birth.          Paul J Openshaw (September 2021)
       Recruitment of drivers in Dorset has always been challenging, particularly due to
       high  local  housing  costs,  but  the  current  widescale  staff  shortages  across  all
       depots  are  unprecedented.  The  Council  currently  has  multiple  vacancies  for
       drivers  and loaders  across their  waste services  team,  along with some  absence
       due to sickness and others on planned annual leave.                                  October Sunshine
       All  employees  across waste services  are  working  hard  to ensure  that key  waste
       services  continue  to  run  throughout  this  challenging  time.  We  are  having  to   October sunshine filters through the trees;
       temporarily suspend or delay some garden waste collections so that crews can         The leaves all rustic in the gentle, sighing breeze:
       be redeployed to support vital rubbish, food and recycling collections. Litter bins   The changing shades of Autumn contrast with shades of blue;
       are also being emptied less frequently in some areas of the county, and new bin      Let’s enjoy the welcome warmth before Summer’s really through.
       deliveries  are  also  being  delayed.  While  we  continue  to  work  on  tackling  the
       problem, residents are being kindly asked to note the following:
                                                                                            Late flowers brighten life with their cheerful bloom;
       Always  report  your  missed  collection,  even  if  your  whole  street  is  affected.  The   Their colours seem to call us, to dispel thoughts of gloom.
       website has an automated system that will inform you what’s happening with your      The rays of golden sunshine caress and gently warm,
       bins and provide guidance on what to do next                                         As though to prepare us for Winter’s coming storm.

       Please ensure your bins are out by 6am on your collection day. Some rounds are
       being carried out differently, meaning operatives might turn up earlier (or later) in   Before long we’ll hear Autumn, as she changes her tune:
       the day than usual                                                                   The evenings will be long and cold beneath a frosty moon.

       If you find a litter bin is full, do not try to leave your litter on top/next to it or on the   The wind, so kind now, will then whistle and shriek;
       floor nearby – please take it home and place in your household bin.                  We’ll huddle in our woolly scarves as Winter reaches a peak.
       If  any  garden  waste  collections  have  to  be  cancelled  or  stood  down  we  will     Sitting here in sunshine, listening to hoverflies and bees,
       contact  customers  directly  to  advise  them.  As  compensation  for  any  garden
       waste collections you did not receive, we will automatically apply a discount to     It’s hard to think of Winter and her stark and leafless trees:
       next year’s subscription fee.                                                        But when it’s cold and windy, when Summer’s finally done,
                                                                                            I’ll remember these lovely things and the warmth of October sun.
       Rubbish, recycling, garden and food waste can be dropped off free of charge at
       any of Dorset’s household recycling centres, which are operating as normal.                                                    Eileen Richardson

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