Page 25 - br-oct-2021
P. 25

October 2021                         October 2021

       being reported in the county, as demand has almost doubled amid the current
 Take My Songs to Heaven   It’s not easy to make them listen –   property  boom,  caused  by  an  influx  of  city  dwellers  combined  with  the  stamp
    Everyone’s so busy down on Earth.   duty holiday. In addition, Dorset Council has also been carrying out a significant
 I’m going to take my songs to   project  to  transfer  planning  records  from  the  six  former  borough  and  district
 Heaven,   I’m sure the Angels will have more time    councils into one system.
 I’m going to sing them with the   Up there I’ll sing for all I’m worth.   It comes as the council's planning teams are also dealing with increased number
 Heavenly choir.      of planning applications amid a national rise in people carrying out changes to
 I’m going to sing my songs with the   I’m going to take my songs to   their homes.
 Angels    Paradise;   As a result, cuts have been made to non-mandatory planning services, bringing
 We’re going to set the Heavens on   Up there I know I’ll be reborn.   an  end  to  the  practice  of  sending  letters  to  neighbours  when  a  planning
 fire.   I shall hear the Heavenly voices,   application is  lodged,  as  well as changing the  way notices are  published, and
    Accompanied by Gabriel’s horn.   automating lists for parish councillors, in a bid to free up officers' time to focus on
 I’m going to save my songs till eternity      planning  applications.  The  council  is  urging  residents  to  be  patient  and  not  to
       chase planning applications to avoid adding to the workload.
 And sing them with the Angels up   I’m going to take my songs to Heaven;
 above.   Up there we’ll sing with just one voice.   "The construction industry has seen a huge surge during the pandemic," a council
 I’m sure that their voices will all sing   I’m going to take my songs to   spokesman  said.  "Homeowners  with  additional  cash  in  their  pockets  are
 out;   Paradise;   considering  extensions  or  changes  to  their  homes  because  working from  home
       has  become  the  future.  Last  month  planning  applications  rose  in  every  English
 That the Spirits will appreciate my   Then the Heavens will sing and rejoice.   region  compared  to  July  2020.  This  follows  a  bumper  start  to  the  year  where
 love.      February  saw  an  25  per  cent  increase  in  applications  (compared  to  the  same
       month  in  2020)  across  the  country.  Throughout  2020  there  was  a  36  per  cent
 Eileen Richardson
       increase in the number of applications, compared to 2019. This activity has led to
       a huge demand on Dorset Council’s planning services."
       Cllr David Walsh, Dorset Council’s portfolio holder for planning said: “We ask our
 To All Local Clubs and Societies   residents to bear with us; we know it is frustrating, but these delays are being felt
       across  the  country  and  it  out  of  our  control.  It  is  incredibly  busy,  and  we  are
 If you are a village club, society or organisation that is now   working on all applications in date order. So, I ask for people not to chase their
       application, by phone or email. Doing this only takes up officer time that could
 getting back on track with regular meetings, could I please   be spent on progressing work. “We have kept fellow councillors, town and parish
 encourage you to let me have your future events for the ‘Dates   councils and property agents informed of the situation by newsletters and emails
 for your Diary’ section which has now been re-introduced at   and will continue to keep them up to date.”
 the back of the magazine  -  thank you to the WI for the first   Another  area  that  has  seen  a  huge  increase  in  demand  is  land  searches  and
 batch.   charges.  The  stamp  duty  holiday  encouraged  people  to  move  home  to  new
       areas  to  give  them  a  better  life  balance.  This  national  incentive  to  help  the
 Just email me to request a pro-forma template as this will   property market has meant that the number of searches needed to be carried
 make it easier for me to copy and paste in and also make sure   out have almost doubled.
 that I have all the information we need  -  date, event,   Thankfully  there  are  some  areas  that  are  not  seeing  such  delays.  The  Building
 location, start time etc   Control  service  have  been  site  checking  and  visiting  sites  throughout  the
       pandemic  to  ensure  that  buildings  are  constructed  to  national  building
 Many thanks, Alison   regulations.      They  have  filled  vacant  positions  and  have  also  recruited  two
       apprentices  who  will  start  their  building  control  degree  in  September.

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