Page 22 - br-oct-2021
P. 22

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       sport  and  clubs  available  to  our  young  people  again,  and  I  was  delighted  to   At present the green leaves are prolific, on the ground in the bushes and in the
       present  prizes  to young cricketers at  the  end  of their season  at the Hamworthy   trees.  Only  the  ash  trees  are  losing  their  foliage  at  this  time  and  this  is
       Club. If you would like me to come and visit your club, business or charity please   understandable  as  their  complex  leaves  of  many  leaflets  are  considerably
       do get in touch with my office.                                                      heavier than those on any other species. The oak is certainly looking as green as
                                                                                            ever  as  are  the  beech,  except  of  course  the  copper  beech,  which  are  still
       I will be continuing my surgeries, both in person, and by phone, so please do get    magnificent  in  their  copper  coloured  leaves.  The  beech  of  course  prefers  the
       in  touch  if  you  need  support.    You  can  contact  me  via  email              chalky, calcareous soils, while the oaks are found on darker slightly more acidic  or  call  my  office  on  01202  624216.  Every   soils, where there is plenty of humus, which accounts for their present well being.
       month  or  so  I  send  out  an  email  newsletter  to  update  people  on  what  I  have   Their foliage prevents too much loss of moisture from the soil on which they stand.
       been doing in London and the constituency, and with useful
       links  and  information.  You  can  read  previous  issues  on  my                   Now we must sit and wait and see what is to come next in the weather changes.
       website,  where  you  can  also  sign  up  to  receive  it:                          We must all work much harder in our efforts to control climate change. Despite                                               what Mr. Trump tried to tell us when President in the USA, our climate is changing
                                                                                            and many lives have been lost and other have lost their homes and livelihoods.
                                                                                            We must all pray for a more stable world, where we can live in a manner that is
                                                                                            sustainable for all,
                                                                                                                                                            Ted Cox

          Michael Tomlinson MP      
          holds regular surgeries
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
          details of forthcoming    
         surgeries or to make an
           appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
            contact his office.

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