Page 24 - br-oct-2021
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October 2021                                                                        October 2021
       These are our most efficient channels which helps us focus on customers who most
       need  our  face-to-face  support  or  who  cannot  go  online.  Where  pre-booked    OVER THE HILL
       appointments are necessary, many are taking place digitally via video call, saving
       on travel and in-person contact.                                                     What  a  weird  year  we  are  having?  Today  is  the  6 . of  September  and  we  are
                                                                                            having a really beautiful day as far as the weather is concerned. It is a very warm

                                                                                            sunny  day,  probably  the  best  of  the  year  so  far.  What  can  we  expect  yet?
       Supporting Afghan Refugees                                                           Listening  to  the  news  daily  we  hear  of  dramatic  changes  in  climate  problems
       As  a  Council  we  are  committed  to  support  the  government’s  Afghanistan      throughout the world. Here in  the  U.K.  we have  been subjected  to  some  horrid
       Relocations  and  Assistance  Policy  (ARAP)  scheme  by  providing  housing  and    flooding and gale force winds but nothing compared to other parts of the world,
       support to a number (to be confirmed) of Afghan families.  The government has        where  climate  change  has  created  havoc.  Here  in  Dorset  we  are  having  the
       announced  funding  for  this  scheme:  the  Afghan  LES  (Locally  Employed  Staff)   greenest summer that I can remember. The foliage of all the trees and shrubs is
       Housing  Costs  Fund  will  help  councils  meet  the  costs  of  renting  properties.  We   prolific and despite being late in coming into leaf now there is an abundance of
       have  now  issued  a  media  release  and  related  communications,  appealing  to   greenery, with no intention apparently of disappearing.
       private  landlords  and  owners  of  second  homes  to  come  forward  if  they  can   The flowering of all plants, herbs, shrubs and trees was very late in coming about.
       provide  suitable  accommodation.    We  are  looking  for  a  range  of  homes  of   Now  in  early  September,  we  are  seeing  not  only  an  abundance  of foliage  but
       varying  sizes,  particularly  larger  family  homes  that  are  available  for  at  least  12   also of flowers, particularly of roses. The roses here are in spectacular form, with an
       months.                                                                              abundance  of  flowers  and  a  wonderful  display  of  buds  that  I  can  never
       These need to be self-contained properties as opposed to offers of spare rooms or    remember  seeing  before.  What  next  can  we  expect  from  climate  change.  Will
       house  sharing  as  this  is  not  in  line  with  current  Home  Office  guidance.    We  are   our deciduous plants become evergreens? I can’t imagine what it will be like to
       asking  property  owners  to  contact    see all our oak tree species, beech and ash having green foliage at Christmas.
       with  any  offers.    There  will  be  central  government  assistance  for  initial  rent  and   What next?
       deposits until the families are settled.                                             Earlier   this   year   we   had
       Local  residents  are  asking  how  they  can  help  with  relocation  of  Afghan    tremendous   late   shows   of
       families.    The  single  thing  we  need  right  now  is  offers  of  suitable      bluebells, daffodils and ragwort.
       accommodation.    However,  we  also  have  existing  high  levels  of  demand  for   The  latter  is  still  flowering  now.
       accommodation  for  local  families  on  our  housing  register  and  in  temporary   Despite  the  fact  that  it  was
       accommodation.    This  is  why  we  are  specifically  looking  for  private  landlords  or   made  illegal,  in I  think  it  was  a
       owners  of  second  homes  to  come  forward  so  we  can  identify  additional      1947  Agricultural  Act to have it
       properties for this scheme, ensuring the scheme won’t disadvantage anyone and        growing  on  your  property.  This
       we can provide the support we’ve committed to.                                       of  course  was  due  to  its  very
                                                                                            poisonous  effect  on  grazing
       Please  note,  at  this  point  we  are  not  seeking  offers  of  volunteering  or   animals.  However,  it  is  now
       donations.  Our overriding priority is to secure suitable accommodation, in line with   grown  in  prolific  style  by  the
       Home Office guidance. If the position on volunteering or donations changes, we       councils  on  roadside  verges
       will update you and residents straight away. Please help by spreading the word on    and  banks.  If  you  remember
       this  matter  and  encouraging  anyone  with  suitable  properties  to  come         the  wonderful  yellow  flower
       forward.  Councils have a long and proud history of stepping up to provide places    displays  on  the  banks  each  side  of  the  dual  carriage  way  to  Dorchester,  these
       of  safety  to  those  fleeing  violence  and  we  want  to  play  our  part  in  supporting   were ragwort. In my early days of faming I spent many hours in gangs of fellow
       efforts to resettle Afghans in the UK, building on our successful Syrian resettlement   agricultural workers pulling up this weed and having it collected and taken to a
       work over recent Service Cuts and Delays                                    dump. This of course was in the late nineteen fifties and early sixties, but this was
                                                                                            before the extensive use of herbicides came into a regular routine.
       Dorset Council  has  announced  cuts  to its  planning services in  a bid  to alleviate
       pressure  on  the  department,  amid  a  huge  increase  in  planning  applications  as   Old  Bob  who  I  have  mentioned  before,  was  in  the  gang  when  I  first  pulled
       well  as  additional  demand  for  local  land  searches.  Local  land  searches  are  a   ragwort all those years ago in Hampshire. We were sent to pull some in about two
       requirement  of  most  mortgage  companies  -  but  delays  of  up  to  13  weeks  are

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