Page 31 - br-oct-2021
P. 31

October 2021                         October 2021

       The Thursday 19th August sessions was cancelled due to bad weather. However,
       the C6 road was covered by the Dorset Police mobile camera team between 6-

       Thursday 26th August, between 10-11am: 739 vehicles came through the village.
       Of these 14 were travelling in excess of 30 mph.
       Monday 30th August had to be cancelled due to a shortage of volunteers/other
       If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please contact  Angie and Ian  Wright
       direct. In the meantime, a full copy of their September report can be found as an
       Appendix to the September Parish Council minutes.

       Elder Road Path Improvements

       A contractor has now been appointed and the work will commence during early
       October 2021. This may lead to some disruption but please be patient – the result
       will be worth it.

       Salt & Pepper Lunch Club

       Having been shut down since March 2020, we are very happy to announce that
       the Lunch Club will be re-opening from 21st October. It will be held on the third
       Thursday  of  each  month  and  the  cost  will  remain  at  £5  per  head.  This  is  an
       extremely  valuable  village  initiative,  and  it  has  been greatly  missed.  We  are  all
       very grateful to Brenda House and her team of volunteers for bringing this back. If
       you  want  to  get  involved,  either  by  helping  or  by  enjoying  one  of  the  lovely
       lunches, please contact Brenda direct on

       Remembrance Sunday
       This  will  take  place  on  Sunday
       14th  November  and,  weather
       permitting, the service will be held
       outside.  There  will be  a marching
       band  from  the  Scout  Hut  to  the
       Churchyard  and  the  service  will,
       hopefully,  be  followed  by
       refreshments in the Scout Hut. Full
       details will be available nearer the
       time,  but  everyone  is  very

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