Page 19 - br-oct-2021
P. 19

October 2021                         October 2021

 The pool is now used by regular groups of scouts, guides and brownies who come      OBITUARIES
 from  the  town  and  all  over  the  New  Forest.  Regular  parties  are  held  at  around
 6pm. each evening and they were holding their 4 .consequetive birthday party
 in a row this week.    Phil Robbins
 It was time for my swim and I enjoyed my   Phil or Philip was:
    few  widths  (47  metres!)  in  the  middle  of
 the pool. Yes, I suppose that the inflatable   Husband to Audrey
 to  the  swimming  purist  may  seem  a  little   Partner to Sylvia
 garish  but  if  you  want  to  keep  a  facility
 like  this  you  need  to  cater  for  everyone   Dad to Mike & Will
 including  the  young.  On  the  day  I  was
 there, the sun shone brightly warming the   Granddad to Emma, Tristan & Cori
 pool  to  a  comfortable  22/23C,  positively   Brother to Jim
 balmy for a sea swimmer.
         Uncle to Caroline & Pete
 Wetsuits  were  on  hire  for  those  who  feel
 the  cold  but  for  today,  none  were   Friend to many
 needed.  As  I  turned  after  another  width,  I  glanced  up  and  there  was  the
 wonderful  sight  of the Isle of  Wight ferry  coming  out  of Lymington  Harbour  and   Helper to countless
 sailing past: just magical!   He  was  born  and  grew  up  in  a  Gloucestershire  village  –  following  many
 By midday, the pool was already filling up and this despite it being carnival day in   Robbins before him.
 the town. The kiosk managed by Ollie Packwood was doing a roaring trade. Lido   Philip  knew  how  to  work  -  be  it  in  his  chosen  careers  of  teaching  and
 life  was  really  bubbling  with  time  to  sit  in  a  deckchair,  read  a  book,  eat  your   computing,  or  making  ends  meet  with  railways,  removals  or  building  bits  of
 sandwich lunch or maybe take a gentle dip.   the M4.  A work ethic he passed on to his sons and Grandchildren.
 I  love  this  pool,  the  friendly   He also knew how to volunteer - running Cubs with Audrey, refereeing rugby,
 staff,  the  jokey  lifeguards  and     organising  running  and  orienteering  races,  or  becoming  a  guide  at
 the sense of fun! For just £2.50   Gloucester  Cathedral.    And  in  Bere Regis he helped to run  Autumn  Leaves
 you  can  spend  the  day  here   with Sylvia and would happily clear Bere Stream with the wildlife group.
 and  just  relax.  I  was  not
 tempted  to  try  the  inflatable   Sport has always been important to Philip starting out with rugby (scrum half
 but  the  water  zorbing  looked   obviously), hockey, squash, orienteering, road running, hill walking and in his
 interesting.  A little voice inside   50’s  and  60’s  gamely  taking  up  sports  after  his  sons  –  like  mountain
 me said “Act your age Robert,   marathons,  fell  races,  mountain  biking  and  cyclo-cross;  all  done  with
 when  will  you  grow  up!”  to   appropriate competitiveness and some success.
 which  my  reply  has  always
 been  “Why  let  the  youngsters   Another  interest  was  trains;  following  steam  locos
 have all the fun!    around  Britain  in  the  caravan  with  sons  and  long
         suffering wife, and then with the grandchildren. Later
 Bob Holman   he was very competitive at bridge and crib; partners
         who played the “wrong card” got “The Look”.
         Starting married life living in a row of Robbins houses,
         family was very important to Philip, and at the same
         time taken for granted in the right sense. To his sons

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