Page 26 - br-october-2019
P. 26

October 2019                                                                        October 2019

       strengthened  to  a  principal  residence  policy,  including  holiday  lets  as  well  as   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
       second  homes. The  detrimental  effect  on  small communities  is  just  as  apparent
       with  holiday  lets  and  people  intent  on  purchasing  a  second  home  need  only
       advertise their property as a holiday let (but not necessarily actually let it) to avoid   Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       this. In addition, small business rate relief can then be claimed.                  businesses so you don’t have to.
                                                                                           For more information visit or
       This policy must be a principal residence policy or there will be little point in having
       it.  Continuing  development  and  sale  of  second  homes  and  holiday  lets  in  our   call 08454 040506.
       small  rural  and  coastal  communities  runs  completely  contrary  to  the  NPPF’s   To report or seek advice about problems you have
       golden thread of sustainable development.                                           experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       It is also important to keep the flexibility to review and amend the area that the
       policy covers should it become apparent that the policy is causing ‘creep’ of the
       effects of second homes/holiday lets into surrounding settlements.                   Dorset Council Trading Standards is a Friend Against Scams
                                                                                            Dorset  Council  Trading  Standards  has  become  a  Friends  Against  Scams
       Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  this.  Having  led  the  development  of  this
       plan, we are keen to ensure that any changes are both viable and appropriate.        Organisation, committed to take a stand against scams in Dorset!
       We will therefore very much welcome the opportunity to speak with you when we        Scams are fraud and many people are contacted by criminals by post, phone,
       believe you are consulting on changes in October.  Please treat this as a formal     online  or  on  the  doorstep.  Over  half  of  people  65+  have  been  targeted  by
       request for us to be consultees.                                                     criminal scams. Age UK found that worryingly only 5% of people report scams, so
                                                                                            95% of people don’t. Silence is a scammers best friend as it allows perpetrators of
       This  submission  is  made  in  our  capacities  as  ward  members  on  behalf  of  our
                                                                                            these crimes to continue unchallenged and victims to remain unsupported.
                                                                                            There is a scam for everyone and anyone can be affected. Young people can be
       Cllr Peter Wharf                  Cllr Laura Miller
                                                                                            scammed  when  buying  a first  mobile  phone  or  paying  online  letting  agents  for
       Dorset Council                    Dorset Council                                     student accommodation. Older people may fall for fake lotteries, prize draws and
                                                                                            catalogue  scams.  Others  may  lose  money  when  contacted  out  of  the  blue  by

                                                                                            someone purporting to be from their bank.
       Dorset Lottery                                                                       People who are more vulnerable to scams can receive multiple contacts a day
                                                                                            by fraudsters and there are many reasons why people reply. Some feel they have
       Dorset Council is seeking the views of local residents, community groups and local
       charities on the proposal to run a Community Lottery for local good causes in the    an obligation to respond to letters or enjoy the routine of opening and responding
       Dorset  council  area.  In  order  to  determine  if  there  is  a  willingness  for  this  to   to post. Some people want to receive the cheque for their promised winnings.
       happen we want to ask people to complete a short online survey.  The survey only     Friends  Against  Scams  aims  to  break  the  silence  around  scams,  giving  people
       takes 5 minutes to complete. Please note that no decision to run a Community         information to be able to spot the signs of a scam, talk with and support others
       Lottery has yet to be made. We simply want to measure people’s thoughts (good        and report scams. It is a national and growing scheme that aims to recruit 1 million
       and bad) about having one. The Survey closes at 4pm on Sunday 13th October.          ‘Friends’ by 2020.
       Survey Link
                                                                                                                            Anyone  can  become  a  ‘Friend’,  many                                                                  people  are,  and  you  could  too.  Visit  the
                                                                                                                            n a t i o n a l         w e b s i t e
       The proposal is that a ticket will cost £1 with 60p going to local causes. Players will
       be able to nominate good causes they wish to support when buying their ticket.                               to  learn
       Of  this  60p  –  50p  would  go  to  the  local  cause  and  10p  will  go  towards  a                              more about scams.
       community grant.  All players get a chance to win prizes of up to £25,000. Every                                     For  advice  about  scams  and  to  report
       ticket purchased has a 1 in 50 chance of winning and winners will be given the                                       something  to  Trading  Standards  call  the
       option to reinvest their winnings to their nominated charity or community group.                                     Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454
                                                                                                                            04 05 06.

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