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October 2018                                                                        October 2018

                                   BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS                                  WW1 COMMEMORATIVE PLANTING OF
                                                                                           DAFFODILS – SATURDAY 13TH OCTOBER
                         On Saturday 13th October, Bere Regis church will be hosting
                         the AGM of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Rings, Dorchester
                         Branch.                                                           WANTED – VOLUNTEER

                         There will be bell ringing from 3.00 pm – 4.00 p.m. and from
                         6.00 p.m.  -  7.00 p.m..  This happens on a rota basis about      2000  wild  daffodils  are  to  be  planted  in
                         every fifteen years.                                              Briantspuddle    Woods    in   lasting
                                                                                           remembrance of the men from the Parish
       At 4.00 p.m., there is a service for bell ringers led by Rev Canon Charles Masheder
       after which our WI will supply tea for around thirty people, followed by the AGM    who  fought  and  died  in  the  two  World
       and bell ringing from 6.00 p.m.  -  7.00 p.m.                                       Wars. The chosen site is the swallow hole in
                                                                                           the woods at the top of Bladen Valley. It is
                                                                                           believed that daffodils were planted there
                                                                                           many  years  ago  in  a  similar  act  of
       JUNIOR                     “Why don’t you come and join us at the                   remembrance  in  the  time  of  the  Bladen
       CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                      Estate.  The  remaining  daffodils  have
       NEWS                            of every month at 11.00 am”                         years.The bulbs have been paid for by the
                                                                                           Parish   Council   on   behalf   of   the
                                                                                           parishioners and the plot of land has been
                                                                                           provided by the new owners of the woods,
       The theme for the September Junior Church and Family Service was the miracle        the Lesley Haskins Trust.
       that Jesus performed in restoring a man’s sight. In the hour before the service the
       children thought about the wonderful gift of sight that most of us have – and most   In  this,  the  last  of  the  four  years  of
       take  for  granted.  Having  heard  the  story,  they  were  challenged  as  to  how  life   commemoration  of  the  sacrifices  of  the
       would be if they couldn’t see. They were then were asked how they would set         Great War, please help create a lasting memorial to the men of the Parish who
       about  describing  the  colour  red  to  someone  who  was  blind.  They  also  played   gave their lives for our freedom, in a place which they may well have known and
       stick the tail on the donkey, except this was a picture of Rudolph and they used    played in as youngsters.
       stickers instead of pins!
                                                                                           We need plenty of volunteers, young and old, to help plant the bulbs. No previous
                                      The   Service   began   with   the   Puppets         experience needed but bring your own spades, trowels, etc.
                                      performing  the  song  Live  and  Not  Die  and
                                      then  we  all  sang  the  well-loved  Amazing        The  planting  will  take  place  in  the  afternoon  of    Saturday  13  October  with  the
                                      Grace,  with  the  words  ‘I  once  was  blind  but   following weekend as a back-up in case of bad weather or lack of time.
                                      now  I  see’.  Following  the  time  of  Confession,   Meet at the War Memorial in Bladen Valley at 2.00pm or come along when you
                                      we  sang  again  a  song  we  had  learnt  in  July   can. If you could let me know beforehand, please contact Phil Ventham on 01929
                                      The  earth  is  filled  with  glorious  things,  with  its   471215 or or just turn up.
                                      important  last  line  of  each  verse:  ‘but  the
                                      greatest thing of all is God’s love’.
                                      Some  of  the  adults  in  Junior  Church  joined
                                      with the children telling – in a play – the story
                                      of  the  healing  of  the  blind  man.  We  heard
                                      how  many  of  the  supposedly  good  people

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