Page 23 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 23

November 2023                       November 2023

                      BERE REGIS NEWS

 The Poet

 They say in life everyone has a niche,
 That we all have our part to play:   Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792
 And those who deliver our letters and milk
 Must start before first light of day.   Vice   Bryan   07969 770890
       Chairman:  Benjafield

 Nurses  and  Doctors  have  to  work  through  the
 night,   Parish   Amanda   07855 396073
 Healing sick folk with their skills.   Clerk:     Crocker
 A friendly Chemist can follow this up,
 Dispensing smiles with potions and pills.   Websites: 

 Autumn Leaves   Some others are writers with words to impress,   The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  12   October  2023 in  the  Village  Hall.  There
 They can arouse us to fight for a cause:   were no members of the public were present. Members of the press and public

 Autumn leaves falling,   While grey wigged Judges sit solemnly in court,   are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start. If you are
 Dancing and swirling,   Sentencing those who disobey our laws.   unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the
       Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
 Tossing and turning,
 Tumbling and twirling:   We all love to listen to soothing music,
 Blown by the wind,   A song sung by voices clear and sweet.   Communication
 Weaving and whirling,   We’re all reassured by the friendly Bobby   How to reach as many parishioners as
 Thrown into heaps,   When we see him patrolling our street.   possible  has  always  been  a  major
       issue,  not  only  for  the  Parish  Council
 Crumpled and curling.      but also for other groups in the parish.
 An Artist can charm us and delight our eyes,
       A  survey  will  be  going  out  to  every
 Autumn leaves dressed   With a still life or a lovely view:   household  in  the  near  future,  and,
 In colours bright and bold,   While a poet has rhyme, rhythm and words   amongst  other  questions,  you  will  be
 Sunny yellow, orange,   To express golden thoughts just for you.   asked  how  you  would  like  to  receive
       updates  on  local  events  and  issues.
 Bronze and burnished gold:   Eileen Richardson   Please  look  out  for  the  survey  paper
 Others fiery red,   and  be  sure  to complete it  –  whether
 Heralding winter’s cold;   manually or on-line. In the meantime, if
       you  wish  to  be  kept  up  to  date  with
 Autumn leaves falling,   events and issues, you can submit your
 In countless hues untold.   email  address  to  the  Clerk  and  you  will  be  added  to  the  ‘Information’  address
       currently being set up.

 Eileen Richardson

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