Page 38 - nov-2022
P. 38

November 2022                       November 2022

 DORSET TRADING STANDARDS   Delicious sandwiches, Scones with jam and huge pots of cream, and pastries to
       follow and, of course, not forgetting pots of Tea. Altogether a most enjoyable day
       which was kindly sponsored by a "gift" from Elaine Standfield's Estate for her friends
 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and   in the WI who gave her such good support in the latter days of her illness. Adrian
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.   came with us on the trip and I think he enjoyed being surrounded by 21 women!
 For more information visit or   Our next Meeting on the 19th October is a talk on the work of Marie Curie. Please
 call 08454 040506.             come and join us at the Bere Regis Sports Hall at 7. 30 pm. Everyone welcome.
 To report or seek advice about problems you have
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

  Illegal tobacco

 Smoking  is  seriously  addictive  and  is  the  single  greatest  cause  of  preventable
 illness  and  avoidable  death  in  the  UK.  The  market  for  cheap,  illegal  tobacco,
 undermines public health.
 There are three types of illegal tobacco:
    Counterfeit. This claims to be an established, well-known brand. But it’s not.
 It’s fake.
    Non-duty  paid.  Legitimate  tobacco purchased abroad  cheaply, brought
 back to the UK, and sold at a fraction of the UK retail cost.

    Unknown brands. Made for the illegal market and unregulated.
 Genuine tobacco products are manufactured to strict quality control procedures
 as manufactures want all their products to be the same. A consumer will not know
 what contaminants, in what levels, are contained in their illegal tobacco bought
 from an illegal supply route.

 Tobacco is taxed heavily as
    a  deterrent  to  persuade                   Quality Tax and
 people  to  stop  smoking.   KingsBere             Accounting
 The  unpaid  duty  on  illegal
 tobacco  was  estimated  at
 £2.5  billion  in  2017;  money   Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all
 that should have otherwise                      aspects of accounts and tax
 gone   towards   funding
 hospitals, schools and other               Day and evening appointments available

 Trading  Standards  officers
 who   deal   with   illegal   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
 tobacco sellers often also discover involvement with other criminal activity such
 as drugs, stolen items, counterfeit goods and abuse of the benefits system. Profits
 made  from  the  sale  of  illegal  tobacco  are  then  fed  back  into  the  criminal

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