Page 79 - br-nov-2020
P. 79

November 2020                       November 2020



 Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by
 visiting  preachers.

 Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
 Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
 Chapel  Toddler  Group  has  restarted  and  now  meets  on  Wednesday  afternoons
 between  1pm  and  3pm  during  term  time.  All  Mums  and  children  are  very
 welcome.  Those  intending  to  come  must  book  in  advance  for  each  session.
 Please contact Suzie Gee on 07962142552 There is no charge.
 Our Sunday morning service is shown live on you tube for those unable to attend.
 Our  Youth  meeting  and  Bible  study  are  held  via  zoom,  with  others  joining  us,  a
 number of whom live too far away to ever be able to join us in person.  God has
 brought good out of the current situation, via modern technology.
 November  is  always  a  special
    month  because  it  includes  the
 Remembrance  Day  Services  that
 are  held  around  the  country.
 Sadly  this  year,  as  with  all  public
 events  at  present,  the  usual
 arrangements   are   severely
 curtailed.    The  March  Past  at  the
 Cenotaph  in  London  has  been
 cancelled,  and  the  Government
 led service will be a closed event.
 The  Festival  of  Remembrance,
 which  usually  takes  place  the
 evening before at the Royal Albert
 Hall,  will  be  pre  recorded,  and
 again  there  will  be  no  public
 participation.  In spite of the restrictions the Royal British Legion  encourages us to
 continue to remember all those who gave their lives in the last war, as well as in
 other conflicts that have occurred since then.
 Bohn Fawkes was a B17 pilot in WW2, when on one mission he sustained flak from
 Nazi  anti-aircraft  guns.    Even  though  his  fuel  tanks  were  hit,  the  plane  did  not
 explode, and Fawkes was able to land the plane.  The following morning Fawkes

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