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November 2020                                                                       November 2020
       BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – NOT                                                    THANK YOU FROM REVEREND JUDY

       JUST FOR COIVD-19
                                                                                             I would like to thank everyone in the
                                                                                             West  Purbeck  Benefice,  the
       Beep.. Beep… Beep!                                                                    Lulworths,  Winfrith, and Chaldon, for
                                                                                             the  generous  gifts I received  on  my
       What is that sound coming from the village shop? No
       it’s  not  the  original  computerised  tennis  game  for                             retirement.
       those who remember.  It is our new till system!                                       I intend to use some of the money to
                                                                                             go to Sheldon for a retreat next year,
       Scanning and QR codes are now the language of the
       shop  volunteers.  Raising  and  emailing  invoices.  Bills                           and to buy something to remind me
       being paid remotely straight into the bank. What is the
       world coming to? Well, what is Briantspuddle coming
       to?  I believe the world has been there for a while.
       But why all this new fangled technology? We only want to buy a few groceries.
                                                                                                                            of the  time spent in the various parishes and
       The new system is starting to help us track what we sell so we can manage what                                       communities,  and  thank  you  all  for  your
       we buy and minimise any waste. With the increased levels of stock we hold in the                                     support and encouragement.
                                 shop  the  new  system  is  helping  volunteers  by
                                 cutting down the time it takes to work out what to                                                                           Judy Hill
                                 put  on  the  order  for  Sainsbury’s  and  then  when it
                                 arrives  how  long  it  takes  to  unpack  and  get  it  on
                                 the  shelves.  I  am  afraid  the  old  price  guns  have
                                 been banished to the back of the cupboard and              ADVENT IN WORDS AND MUSIC
                                 new  shelf  edge  labels  display  our  prices.  It  is  also
                                 making  it  much  easier  for  us  to  raise  invoices  to
                                 those who are having groceries delivered, no more         St. John the Baptist
                                 triplicate invoice book.  And whilst there was initial    Church, Bere Regis
                                 concern  whether  we  could  manage  the  new
                                 system, after all the old till was so straight forward    At 6pm on Sunday 29
       (she  says  tongue  in  cheek),  without  exception  volunteers  have  amazed  and   November
       delighted in actually just how straight forward it all is.
       Right now in the middle of October as I write this Northern parts of the country are   Looking  forward  to  Christmas,
       being locked down again and the number of cases locally have risen I cannot         whatever that will mean?
       possibly tell how we will be living by the time you read this. One thing I can be
       sure of is that the village shop will be continuing to play its part in helping to keep   Please  come  and  join  us  in  our
       our  friends  and  neighbours  as  safe  as  possible  and  facilitate  shopping  close  to   beautiful  church,  for  a  short  service  to  welcome  the  coming  of  the  Lord  and
       home. If we have found ourselves in lock down or if you would just rather not go    prepare ourselves for Christmas.
       out,  please  contact  us  for  shopping  to  be  delivered.  We  continue  to  use  the   Sadly we won't be able to sing our favourite Advent hymns (Lo He Comes with
       Village Hall for queueing to maintain social distancing. Now we’ve had to shut      Clouds Descending)… but we can hum!
       the  door  because  of  the  cold  we  have  installed  some  lights  so  you  can  tell
       whether it’s available to go in.                                                    N.B. Please could you let me know, if you are planning to come, so that we can
                                                                                           ensure you are suitably distanced and safe.
       And as we start to think about Christmas, we are planning to buy in festive baking
                                                                                             Sarah Welton, Churchwarden  Tel.  471562  Email:

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