Page 81 - br-nov-2020
P. 81

November 2020                       November 2020

 CHURCH TREASURER – BERE REGIS   essentials and some Christmas cards and gifts to ease your shopping. The Village
       Shop  Calendar  for  2021  (and  who  doesn’t  want  that  New  Year  to  herald  in
       something new!) will be on Sale from November. At £5 it is great value and also
 I will be standing down as Treasurer to Bere Regis Parochial Church Council (PCC)   makes  a  great  present.  The  theme  this  year  “The  Parish  in  Pictures”  is  an
 on 31  January 2021, and so the PCC will be looking for a new person to take up   amalgamation  of  some  of  the  activities  that  have  taken  place  in  2020.  Photos
 the position from February.   from VE day and the embroidery project, the winning photos from the Horticultural
       show and some examples of the amazing photos that have been shared through
 After 13 years in the role, the time is now overdue for me to hand over the reins.    the wildlife newsletter during the year. Please make sure to get your copy.
 To  assist  a  new  person  as  Treasurer,  I  will  be  completing  everything  for  the
 financial  year  to  December  2020,  and  so  a  fresh  start  can  be  made  at  the   Thank you for continuing to support the Village shop the more you use us the more
 beginning of 2021. Everything will be up to date on handover, all details of the   we can maintain a wide range of fresh fruit and veg.
 role will be fully explained and I am happy to provide help, if it is needed, during   To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
 the changeover period.
       by email
 If you are interested in taking on the PCC Treasurer role, please contact me (my   Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Brianstpuddle post office and village shop
 details are on the inside cover of this parish magazine), or through Revd Sandra,
 Sarah  or  Joan  as  Churchwardens,  or  any  PCC  member,  and  they  will  pass  the
 details on to me.
 Richard Smith
       Wow  another  month  and  another  round  of
       changes. Fortunately for us around here not much
       has  changed  but  my  guess  is  there  will  be  some
       changes in the following days and they may have
       happened by the time you read this and so please
       check  out  the  parish  website  or  ring  me  on
       07818078191 for any up to date information on the things we’re hoping to do.
       Any and all events at the village hall are subject to change and will comply with
       the current regulations set out by local and national government.
       Life at the village hall is getting busier, which is good to see at long last. We are
       pleased to be able to welcome one or two precious hirers back and at least one
                           new hirer and we wish them well with their ventures.
                           As trustees we have also not only been looking at keeping
                           the hall available but also at what we can do to provide a
                           little interlude in these strange times. The village hall café is
                           up and running on Tuesdays and Saturdays although here
                           please check website or call me for up to date details as
                           we  may  have  to  move  from  Tuesday  to  another  day  as
                           one of our hirers returns on Tuesday mornings.

                           Watch  this  space  but  thank  you  to  all  those  who  have
                           turned  up  to  support  us  in  raising  some  funds  for  the  hall
                           and we hope you have found it beneficial to meet friends
                           in a safe place. All tables and chairs are sanitised and safe
                           social distancing is maintained with table service provided.

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