Page 75 - br-nov-2020
P. 75

November 2020                       November 2020

       Ginger  jam.  I  come
    OBITUARIES   back  from  a  walk  and
       she  is  there  using  her
 working  more  outside  where  he  made  a  good  friend,  Alan  Dear,   magic  apple  peeler.
 who  was  a  driver  and  that  is  where  Rich  found  the  career  he   It’s a brilliant gadget as
 wanted to follow.   it  peels,  cores  and
       slices  apples.  (Thank
 Glo and Rich met originally at the youth club but saw more of each other at   you  Ian  Ventham  for
 the Royal British Legion Club and as they say things went from there.  Rich   recommending   this
 was then driving for Bedfords and Jestys delivering watercress to the London   addition   to   the
 markets  and  up  North  ending  in  Chesterfield.        It  was  amazing  that  the   chutney  tool  kit).    I
 market men would give Rich a whole net of carrots or a sack of potatoes for   have  had  to  laugh  at  another  item,  Onion  goggles.
 just  a  box  of cress.   It  was in  London  that Rich  first  had  KFC  something  he   These are like swimming goggles but protect the eyes
 always loved.
       from streaming when preparing onions.  Why she has to
 On the north run Rich always stayed at the Greyhound pub, right next to the   have a Dame Edna Everidge pair?  I don’t know, she looks ridiculous!
 church with the crooked spire and Glo recalls that the people were lovely   She  has  been  following  the  American  election  on  the  news  and  the  twists  and
 but the place itself was a real dive.
       turns  of  President  Donald  Trump’s  infection  and  apparently  miraculous  recovery
 Rich  wanted  a  change  so  passed  his  class  2  HGV.    He  loved  driving  and   from Covid.
 went on to do long distance work for H J Cutler, Stretch Transport and J B   As a result of all the speculation, she went online to the NHS BMI calculator and
 Coakes.    He  didn't  mind  the  early  starts  and  the  long  hours  on  his  own  or   has  worked  out  that  she  has  a  higher  BMI  than  Donald  Trump  and  is  therefore
 sleeping in is cab.  He quite liked the fact that providing he got his load from    obese.  I think she always knew that, but has decided to go on a diet and lower
 A to B, he was his own boss.  Many people travelled with Rich and Glo said   her risks of complications from Covid.    Ha, I think, she has been dieting for over 50
 she has been all over the UK in the truck and has some fond memories of this.
       years and as her father said once was the proud owner of the best slimming book
 In his forties Rich decided that he had enough of long distance work and   library  in  the  Western  World.    She  has  tried  them  all  Audrey  Eyton’s  F  Plan,
 after  a  succession  of  temporary  jobs  he  started  driving  for  Travis  Perkins  in   Rosemary Conley’s hip and thigh diet,  Robert Atkins diet and many more   She has
 Blandford and gained new skills in using the crane and health and safety.    signed  up  for  Slimming  Magazine,  Weightwatchers  and  Slimming  World,  none
 He enjoyed the work and being at home every evening. However once his   have  ever  worked.    Why  bother  now?    We  are  now  trying  a  mixture  of  Tom
 diabetes deteriorated Rich could no longer keep his HGV licence.  This was   Kerridge’s Dopamine diet (he lost 13 stone) and Michael Mosely’s fast 800.  I have
 hard for him to accept but TP made him yard foreman which meant he was   to admire her optimism.
 still  involved  in  arranging  loads,  the  transport  and  working  outdoors.    He
       Now  what  does  this  mean  for  me.    Both  of  these  are  low  carbohydrate  diets.
 learnt new skills and held licences for the fork lift and side loader.
       There is no bread or biscuits in the house.  (To be fair there have been no biscuits in
 Rich loved to go fishing with his Dad at Abbotsbury and they have had many   the house since the gardening club stopped.  Between us we always ate their left
 a  good  feed  from  the  mackerel  they  caught.    When  Rich's  cousins  came   over biscuits.) Alcohol is not permitted but she is not a heavy drinker.  Not going
 down from Sheffield they liked nothing better than to go fishing with Doug   out much means the temptations are reduced but there are no excuses for not
 and Rich.   sticking to it.  She even drinks sparkling water with Ice and lemon on the Saturday
       virtual gin and tonic night it looks like a huge gin.
 Unfortunately  after  his  Dad  died  fishing  didn't  have
 quite the same appeal.   A lot of people are eating and drinking more in lockdown through sheer boredom
       stress and worry.  Some people have put on weight.  I’m not really surprised, our
 Rich   would  often  look  back  at  the  time  when  him   local pubs seem to be competing with pictures on Facebook for who has the most
 and his friend Pedro were fishing and they trapped a   fattening unhealthy take away meals.  The Royal Oak is closed so that reduces the
 wasp in Doug's fishing box.  All he would say is that   local  choice.  There  are  vans  on  Fridays  and  Saturdays  and  local  restaurants
 the air was colourful when his Dad opened the box,   deliver.
 but  of  course  the  two  lads  were  just  rolling  around
       She weighs herself every morning and measures her blood sugar.  We are taking

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