Page 74 - br-nov-2020
P. 74

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       SHAGGY DOG STORY  -  DOG BLOG                                                                                OBITUARIES

                                                                                                     with laughter.
       Enjoying one’s sixth life
                                                                                                     Rich  was  a  good  darts  player.  He  played  for  the  Drax  Arms  and
       My owner likes the six life, she can play bridge, go to the pub for coffee, visit her   then  for  the  RBL  Club.    Glo  became  the  official  marker for  the  Club  team
       family  and  have  the  odd  meal  out  with  friends  as  well  as  all  the  virtual   which certainly improved her maths.
       entertainments.   In the light of the increasing Covid infections locally this is not
       very sensible.  She is now back working the occasional shift at the Shell garage      One succssful year they had 2 teams in the club and they swept the board
       which means I get left home alone.  I worry that she might catch an infection from    and won every trophy going, something Rich was very proud of and often
       one of the Students who work at the garage.  She worries that if she keeps taking     spoke  of  it.    He  was  also  one  of  the  founding  members  of  the  Bere  Regis
       risks her friends will not want to continue to socialize with her as she is perceived as   Super League team and they played for several years.
       a risk herself.   She had a streaming cold the other day and whilst there were no
       Covid symptoms it really was not sensible to go out or entertain.  I start to worry   Rich played skittles in the Dorchester league, throwing himself down the alley
       every  time  she  sneezes  and  reaches  for  the  tissues.    Apart  from  all  this,  life  has   double handed.
       become rather humdrum.                                                                Rich  was  a  life  long  supporter  of  Manchester  United  although  he  became
                                                                                             disillusioned with football as there was to much money in the game and to
       After some very lovely Indian summer days in September, Storm Alex arrived with
       the month of October and the temperature has dropped.   The central heating           many  cheats.    However  they  both  enjoyed  watching  rugby  league  and
       has been switched on.  I like this.  There is a hot towel on the radiator ready to rub   went to the grand final at Old Trafford several times.
       me down when I come in soaking wet from a walk.  She is in the process of tidying     Rich and Glo were both part of the instigation of the Bere Regis and District
       the  garden  and  we  have fine  weather  chores  and indoor  chores for  wet  days.    cribbage league and they both played with some success.
       That  is  the  theory.    She  never  gets  on  with  them.      Parkinsons  Law  takes  over.
       “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion”                          No  matter  which  sport  Rich  played,  he  played  to  win,  even  when  playing
                                                                                             with the children but he was never a sore loser.
       I went to church when my owner helped to do
       the  flowers  for  the  Harvest  Festival.    The                                     Rich  never  lost  his  love  of  playing  cards  and  Glo  used  to  get  so  annoyed
       pumpkin  looked  really  good.    It  was  good  to                                   when playing against him as he could remember every card that had been
       get  together  with  the  other  flower  arrangers.                                   laid.  They spent many happy hours playing nap with wonderful friends Steve
       They still don’t throw me any sticks.  There really                                   and  Ness,  usually  into  the  small  hours,  whilst  imbibing  some  liquid
       isn’t  much  point  decorating  for  a  non  hymn                                     refreshment.    He  also  looked  forward  to  the  poker  schools  with  his  good
       singing socially distanced harvest festival.  The                                     friends.
       church is only open for two afternoons a week                                         During all this Rich and Glo became engaged on her 17th birthday.  Glo says
       so   very   few   people   will   enjoy   the                                         it was such a romantic engagement (not).  Rich handed her the ring whilst
       arrangements.    There  was  a  discussion  about                                     driving  over  the  farm  track  to  Doddings  to  collect  something  for  the
       what  arrangements  to  do  at  Christmas  but
       what services will be held?  Will it be essential                                     watercress beds.
       to book for Christingle or carol services?  Carol                                     On  the  6  October  1979  they  were  married  in  the
       services  with  no  singing.    It  will  have  to  be                                village  church  and  after  a  long  engagement  they
       virtual  carols.      It  will  be  an  odd  Christmas  in                            only  gave  the  families  six  weeks  to  arrange  the
       church  but  that  doesn’t  mean  we  cannot                                          wedding as there were flats becoming available.
       enjoy it or think about what it all means for us
       all in these strange times.                                                           The flat became available in August 1980 and in the
                                                                                             interim  they  lived  with  Glo's  parents  Dennis  and
       I cannot believe it, she is still making chutney.  We are now in the apple and pear   Eileen (or misery as Rich affectionally called mother
       making  season,  Chunky  pear  and  walnut,  Apple  and  Beetroot  and  Pear  and     in law.)

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