Page 72 - br-nov-2020
P. 72

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       Donations of double knit wool will always be welcome and I will pass them on to                              OBITUARIES
       our knitting team, leave in my porch or in the box at the Village Hall.
                                                                                                     used to disguise presents like a cd or dvd in a cornflake box, with

       Warmer Communities ….Do you need a blanket to help to                                         something to give it weight.  Rich loved listening to proper carols
                                                                                             whilst doing this.
       keep you warm this winter?
                                                                                             However after many years of doing the same routine Rich said he wanted to
       If you need a blanket please get in touch as we have a lot of people knitting and
                                                                                             go  away  for  Christmas.    Glo  was  apprehensive  but  as  usual  they
       we will deliver one to you free of charge.
                                                                                             compromised and they went away alternate years the other spending time
                                                                                             with their families.
       As I write this it is evident that the second wave is with us and by the time you read   Ness approached them about going on a cruise for her birthday and they
       it we will be even further down that road. For those who are struggling with the      helped  persuade  her  husband  Steve  that  it  was  a  good  idea.    Glo  didn't
       uncertainty and anxiety that the situation brings, maybe try to reach out to each     think that Rich would take to it, but it was like a duck to water.  Rich was
       other, pick the phone up and be the reason someone’s day got a little better.         never a suit and tie man and Glo suspects that everyone has a memory of
                                                                                             him leaving a church and saying 'can I take this neck choker off yet' or 'here
       The  only  way    I  can  cope  (with  everything  I  did  in  the  community  stopping   love put my tie in your handbag.'  However on the cruises he looked forward
       overnight in March) is to try to do other useful things to meet immediate needs,      to  the  formal  nights,  he  purchased  a  tuxedo  and  is  the  proud  owner  of
       but also to see it as a transitionary thing, something that is going to pass and things   several bow ties.  The couple had many happy cruises together.  However
       will get better in the future. Then we will need to build back our communities, as    Austria was his true love and they went back there as often as they could.  In
       the pandemic has made us different people reluctant to mix keeping our 2 metre        fact his ashes are to be scattered on top of the Hahnenkamm mountain in
       distances.                                                                            Kitzbuhel once travel is allowed and Glo says all the family are close friends
       What is for sure is that people need people to flourish and we will flourish again.
                                                                                             In  the  last  3  years  since  they  both  stopped  work  Rich  and  Glo  had  some
       Stay safe and stay strong better times are coming.
                                                                                             memorable holidays, The Baltic, Russia, The Arctic Circle and Canada.
                                            Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023
                                                                                             Rich was diagnosed with cancer at the end of 2019 and had treatment in
                                                                                             March 2020.  Glo said they had a wonderful spring and summer during which
                                                                                             time  they  decided  to  apply  for  the  bungalow.    Rich  was  suffering  with  his
                                                                                             back and leg and walking became more difficult but he did what he could.

                                                                                             Looking  back  Glo  feels  that  Rich  knew  there  was  something  wrong  as  he
                                                                                             pushed so hard once they moved to get everything done.  He made plans
                                                                                             of where the furniture would go, he measured the pictures and had a plan
                                                                                             for  placing  them  in  each  room  and  he  even  drew  a  sketch  for  how  he
                                                                                             wanted the garden.
                                                                                             Unfortunately Rich went off his feet after only being
                                                                                             in  the  bungalow  for  a  few  weeks  and  although  in
                                                                                             some discomfort he was happy in himself.  Glo said
                                                                                             they spent the time together watching dvd's where
                                                                                             she would either sit in the camping chair or curl up
                                                                                             next to him on the bed.  Of course it was inevitable
                                                                                             that they watched John Wayne films.

                                                                                             Even when in hospital Rich was still himself although

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