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P. 69

November 2020                       November 2020

 and challenge what measures are being put in place. I check through my emails,   Let music be your way of life
 including regular updates from BCP and Dorset Councils about case numbers in

 Dorset.    Once  the  business  of  the  day  in  the  House  has  finished, I  head  home,   Wake up with a smile and sing a song
 hoping that there are no traffic problems on the M3. It’s a good journey, and I’m   You will be happy all the day long
 back home in Dorset by 9pm.
                                        Everything is right and nothing is wrong
 Friday:  There  has  been  lots  of  correspondence  this  week,  and I  start  by  signing   If music is your way of life.

 hundreds of letters to constituents. My diary manager has set up several meetings   When you start to sing the world looks right
 across  the  constituency,  including  with  a  local  business  and  then  a  local
 councillor  and  resident  to  discuss  problems  with  parking  in  their  road.  My   With a melody your heart feels light
 caseworker & I have a telephone surgery with several constituents who need help   The moon even shines on the darkest night
 and support, and we then discuss the best follow up actions for each. I have a   If music is your way of life.

 regular meeting with the council (virtually) about the Covid situation, and I also   With music in your heart
 have a telephone conference with the CCG about healthcare across Dorset. The   And a twinkle in your eye
 Secretary of State for Health calls to discuss the funding for Dorset hospitals, and
 which of these developments will benefit my constituents.    A smile on your lips
                                        There’s a rainbow in the sky.
 Saturday:  Just  a  short  day  today  –  meeting  several  residents  and  volunteers  in
 Canford  Heath,  and  a  brief  chat  with  a  local  councillor.  I  check  through  my   Feel free as a bird flying on the wing
 emails  for  anything  urgent  that  needs  attention,  and  after  that  I  take  the   Lift up your voice and start to sing
 afternoon off to spend with the family. Although I try to be disciplined, we have a   You’ll find the happiness melody can bring
 tricky week of debates ahead, so my phone is never far from my hands over the   If music is your way of life
 weekend.                               Let music be your way of life.
                                                               Eileen Richardson
 Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  need  help  or  support: or 01202 624216
       Golden Peace

       If peace could come in many shades and hues
       Of pinks and lilac, purple and blues
       Of deepest black and dazzling white
       The inky-blue of a velvet-clad night
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT   The soft, tender green of the early spring
       The peach and coral a sunset can bring
 Michael Tomlinson MP       The shimmering silver of the moon on the sea
 holds regular surgeries   The deep, dark green of the stately pine tree
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   The grey-white wings of the gulls in the skies
 details of forthcoming
 surgeries or to make an         The bright blue flash as the kingfisher flies
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   If peace could come in countless shades untold
 contact his office.   I would choose for you a peace that was gold.
                                        Eileen Richardson

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