Page 68 - br-nov-2020
P. 68

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

                                                                                            DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
         Shoe Laces
                                                                                           Climate Change

         It has been a slavish struggle and slog,
                                                                                           Dorset  Council  has  prepared  its  action
         And you would not believe the faces,
                                                                                           plan for how the local authority will help
         A frustrated little lad will pull,                                                tackle  climate  change  over  the  next
         As he learns how to tie his laces.                                                few  decades.  The  draft  plan  contains
                                                                                           187  actions  for  how  the  Council  will

         It is a thing we take for granted.                                                tackle climate change over the next 20-
         There are no airs and graces,                                                     30 years. Around 97 of these will require
         As the penny drops, when we know,                                                 additional funding, totaling in the region
         We have to learn to tie our laces.                                                of  £127m  over  that  period.  Examples  of
                                                                                           actions proposed include: –

         Sometimes we look so hard at the lines,
                                                                                                Make  the  most  of  renewable  energy  opportunities  of  all  Council-owned
         We somehow miss the spaces,
                                                                                                 buildings;  convert  all  buildings  without  gas/electricity  to  heat  pumps  or
         But it’s a big day in the life of a boy,                                                biomass,  convert  heating  of  all  other  buildings  to  hydrogen-ready  hybrid
         When he learns how to tie his laces.                                                    heat pumps, install solar panels on every roof

            Paul J Openshaw (September 2020)                                                    Construct or buy into large renewable energy installation/s (solar panels or
                                                                                                 wind turbines) on Council-owned land to meet demand
                                                                                                Produce  a  supplementary  planning  policy  to  encourage  renewable
       A Turn Up for The Buck
                                                                                                 energy being integrated into all new buildings

       She fluttered her eyes.        He'd followed her scent,                                  Use Council buildings in trial projects to test the use of hydrogen heating
       She pouted her lips.           From where bracken grew thick.                       
       She walked through the woods,   Now, this was the moment,                                 Reduce  use  of  fertilisers  on  council  land  by  increased  use  of  locally
                                                                                                 produced compost
       With her head to one side.     For poignant pluck,
       She knew he was watching.      As the doe moved towards him,                             Develop plan to transition County Farms to low carbon production – Work
                                                                                                 with County Farm tenants to encourage the adoption of more climate and
       She felt his presence.         No words were uttered,
                                                                                                 ecological friendly practice
       She maintained her distance,   But, every fibre and sinew,
       And kept it wide.              Turned up for the buck.                                   Councillors to lobby government for additional resources and the national
                                                                                                 policy framework to support climate action in Dorset

       For him, a false move,
                                                                                                Establish a policy to ensure all new buildings that Dorset Council has direct
       Could only be wrong.
                                                                                                 influence over (as landowners, clients, or designers) are zero carbon
       He'd learned the hard way.
       And it was to his cost.                                                                   Creation of suitable high ecological value areas on council land (incl. bee-
                                                                                                 friendly,  wildflower,  hedge  and  woodland  planting  zones)  and  areas  for
       That is why now,
                                                                                                 carbon sequestration and climate resilience
       He was taking his time,         Paul J Openshaw (October 2020)
       In recognition,                                                                          Ensure  access  to  sustainable  transport  is  considered  in  planning
       Of the ladies he'd lost.                                                                  applications

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