Page 32 - br-nov-2020
P. 32

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       would  be  interested  in  remembering
       a  loved  one  by  making  a  donation
       and having a plaque placed on any
       of  these  please  contact  the  Clerk,
       A m a n d a    C r o c k e r    o n

       Play Park
       The  Play  Park  is  now  open,  and
       reinforced  feet  are  being  fitted  to
       some  of  the  equipment  to  prolong
       their  life.  We  will  be  placing  a  rake
       and a brush in a container on site and would ask any parents who are willing, to
       take a few minutes to pick up any litter, brush any displaced rubber chippings off
       the paths, and to rake flat the chippings. A councillor and the Lengthsman have
       recently attended a Play Park Inspection Course, to enable us to continue to run
       the park safely and in compliance with the regulations. We hope everyone enjoys
       the area responsibly and, as always, if anyone spots any faults please contact the

       Lengthsman’s Duties
       The  Lengthsman  is  paid  out  of  the  Parish  precept  to  which  we  all  contribute
       through  our  Council  Tax.  You  may  be  interested  to  know  how  his  time  was
       allocated in the last month or so:
            36% Tree work and grass cutting in the Elder Road area
            28% Cemetery grass cutting and maintenance
            18% Maintenance of rights of way

            7% Play Park work
            10  %  Other  work  including,  Car  Park,  Verges,  Rubbish  Collection  and
             dealing with Fly Tipping

       Tree Planting

       Dorset Trees have agreed to assist with the planting of 20 or 30 trees in the  “no-
       man’s  land”  area  near  the  school  gates.  These  will  be  native,  broad  leaf  trees,
       which will transform a rather derelict piece of land into an attractive copse over

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