Page 46 - br-november-2019
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November 2019                                                                       November 2019

       Our main tasks will be to carry out some scrub clearance in the wooded areas
       alongside  the  stream  and  to  undertake  some  bank  /  stream  management  to    great  performers,    but   also  each  week  they  show up  early  to  help  set up  the
       maintain  and  improve  the  health  of  the  stream.  The  scrub  clearance  work  is   session to put up the stage and set out the chairs. Tonight we say thank you to  -
       carried  out  on  a  rotation  over  three  /  four  years.  It  allows  light  to  reach  the   Jordan Hughes, Madi Miles, Izabella Holbrook
       woodland floor and for a wider variety of wild flower plants to flourish.            The Pamela Hoare Most Improved Performer 2019 went to   -  Lauren Botterill

       Please come and join us. Many hands make for light work; all are welcome (under      The Shirley Gillette Star Quality Award went to  -  Neve Packham
       16s  should  be  accompanied  by  an  adult).  No  experience is required,  there’s  a
       friendly crowd, it is great fun and good exercise too! If you have some clippers,    For his sterling work with Philip on the lighting and running the sound when Philip is
       loppers or a hand saw please bring them with you. If not, don’t worry – we’ll have   away our Young Volunteer of the Year is  -  Rees Jones
       some spares.
                                                                                            The Pop In Place Volunteer of the Year goes to a lady who despite having a very
       A further Conservation Work Party will be held on Saturday 7th December. Further     busy life still finds the time to come in and help others, she helps with the driving,
       dates in 2020 will be announced nearer the time.                                     she helps in the café and at all the events and we have now got her helping at
                                                                                            Performers.  She  is  reliable  caring  and  a  very  worthy  winner  of  Pop  In  Place

                                                                                            Volunteer of the Year  -  Ruthie Morrall
       Contact Us
                                                                                            Finally the big Award the Outstanding Commitment Award  -  For the sewing up
       If you would like to know more about  the work of the  Wildlife and Environment      of hundreds if blankets all her volunteering for the Pop In Place at the cafes , at
       Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:                       the events and for managing back stage at Performers group over many years
                                                                                            the Award for outstanding commitment went to Liz Gale.
       Tony Bates at / 01929 471563 or

       Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.
                                                                                            Pop In Place Performers Group
                                                                                            Is working on Santa’s Holiday Adventure in aid of the Community Shed Project
                         AUTUMN LEAVES                                                      The raffles are in aid of Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance in Memory of Shirley
                                                                                            Gillette tickets are now on sale £5 each no concessions please buy early to avoid
                         OVER  50’S CLUB                                                    disappointment.

                           How  lucky  we  are  in                                          Dates for your Diary In December
                           Bere  Regis  to  have
       the  wonderful  photographer  and  wildlife                                          Santa’s Holiday Adventure
       expert  Tony  Bates  living  among  us!    Our
       afternoon watching his delightful pictures of                                        Please note a new date for The Pop In Place Christmas show it will now be on
       local  scenes,  flowers,  birds  and  animals,                                                    th
       (including Otters at Blandford) left everyone                                        Thursday        5  December  6pm
       wanting  more.    His  skill  at  combining  still                                   Friday            6  December  7pm
       photographs  and  video  with  appropriate
       music  was  once  again  much  appreciated  by  the  members  at  our  October       Saturday       7  December  2pm
       meeting, and we are pleased that he has agreed to come again next year.
                                                                                            Pop In Place community Christmas Party Monday 16  December 12 -4 pm
       Next month the speaker will be Glo Curtis, telling us about the work of the Citizens   Please Check out Pop In Place Website Thanks to Rod Osmond
       Advice  Bureau.If  you  would  like  to  come  and  join  us  on  Wednesday  13      who has updated our website and it is looking great check it out
       November you will be sure of a warm welcome and an excellent afternoon tea.
                                                                                                                               Alison Bennett ,  Telephone  01929 472023

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