Page 23 - br-november-2019
P. 23

November 2019                       November 2019
 BERE REGIS WI   Councillors Responsibilities

       We have recently reorganised some of the responsibilities that councillors have
 For November, Bere Regis WI is joining the ranks of   inside of the many working parties and sub committees within the Council. These
 those starting to get ready early for Christmas.  On   consist  of  the  following  groups,  all  of  whom  meet  on  a  regular  basis  and  then
 Wednesday, 20 November 2019, we will be having   report  back  to  the  full  council;  Parish  Amenities  &  Rights  of  Way,  Wildlife
 an  informal  demonstration  of  Christmas  craft   Conservation, Planning & Housing, Community Liaison, Policing, Traffic & Roads,
 picture  making.    We’re  sure  these  will  make   Finance  and  Public  Relations,  as  well  as  having  representatives  on  the
 perfect gifts, so why not come along and add a skill to your Christmas portfolio.   committees of the Thomas Williams Educational Foundation, Dorset Association of
       Parish and Town Councils and the New Community Hall Project Team. There are
 On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 from 9:30am
    to noon at the Bere Regis Sports Club, Stitch and   always  opportunities  for  additional  people  to  work  with  the  council  in  these
       groups  on  a  voluntary  basis,  so  if  you  would  like  to  assist  in  any  areas,  please
 Twitch  will  continue  its  programme  of  open   contact Amanda Crocker on
 meetings.    Those  who  have  been  before  will
 continue their Project Linus UK project, while new
 comers  will  be  guided  through  sewing  a  simple
 square  which  could  be  a  centrepiece  or  joined      Winter Road and Path Contingency
 with  other  squares  to  make  a  larger  item.    As
 usual,  all  materials  and  equipment  will  be   With  summer  behind  us  and  the  weather
 provided,  together  with  light  refreshments.    We   worsening,  we  have  checked  that  all  of  the  grit
 firmly  believe  that  ‘the  more  the  merrier’,  so   bins  around  the  village  are  full in  the  eventuality
                                   of any adverse weather. If we do get any snow or
                                   ice,  please  do  all  you  can  to  ensure  that  any
                                   neighbours you have who may be less able than
 please do join us if you’ve a latent
 interest  in  quilt  making  or  even  if   yourself  are  safe  and  clear  any  communal  or
                                   public  paths  if  possible,  it  will  be  much
 you would just like a biscuit and a   appreciated.
 cup of tea!
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield
 Speaking of food and drink, seven
 Bere  Regis  WI  ladies  enjoyed  the
 stunning  view  while  enjoying
 lunch  at  the  Scott  Arms  in
 Kingston in October and, as usual,
 we’ll  be  starting  this  month  with
 our  regular  Lunch  Club.  This  time
 we’re staying closer to home and
 will be visiting Cock and Bottle Inn
 in  Morden  on  Thursday,  7
 November 2019.  To  minimise  the
 number  of  vehicles,  we  usually
 car  share  so,  if  you’d  like  to
 explore  becoming  a  ‘lady  who
 lunches’, give us a call  and we’ll
 arrange a lift for you.
 For  details  of  future  meetings  or
 further  information  about  the  WI,

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