Page 18 - br-november-2019
P. 18

November 2019                                                                       November 2019

                                                                                           It was great to see so  many of the Village community at our show and we are
                                OBITUARIES                                                 already looking forward to the next one! Tickets are now on sale for ‘Macbeth; the
                                                                                           Pantomime’, we are doing fewer performances this time, with just two matinees so
                                                                                           go to our website - and book your tickets early! We have
                and all sorts of squash dishes were often on the menu, followed by
                ice cream, gooseberry fool, jams and wine made from every type of          lots of fun lined up for you, we have a Dame, a principal boy and girl and loads of
        fruit imaginable.  The surplus was sold in the Women’s Institute market, and she   the  usual  panto  madness  and  if  Shakespeare  fans  squint  very  hard  they  may
        soon assumed a natural place in the heart of the community in Whitchurch,          recognise one or two moments!
        eventually becoming president of the WI.                                           Castle Players are definitely on the up at the moment! So it’s a great time to come
        When the boys left home, Fra and John moved to Blandford to help care for          and  join  us  -  we  are  always  pleased  to  welcome  new  members  to  our  friendly
        John’s  mother,  who  was  reputed  to  have  told  the  locals  that  she  would  be   group, whether you’d like to act, paint, make props and costumes or just meet
        looking  after  them,  and  was  often  caught  red-handed  nosing  around  their   new friends, drop us an email at, we’d love to meet you!
        part of the house!  Fra calmly and politely stuck to her guns and finally gained
        the upper hand.
        In 1994 John and Fra found a plot of land here in Affpuddle.  They turned the      MILBORNE MOVIES
        falling down remnants of a barn into a beautiful home.  Fra designed and built
        lovely formal gardens and vegetable plots from a bare field.  In the 22 years       Milborne Movies are showing ‘Wild Rose’
        spent  in  Affpuddle,  Fra  gained  wonderful  friends,  saw  2  sons  graduate,  and
        gained the 2 daughters she had always wanted in Katie and Helen. She was so         at Milborne St Andrew Village Hall, DT11
        proud  to  watch  her  7  grandchildren  grow  into  the  lovely  people  they  are
        today, and was pleased to see the growing female influence in the family.           0JX

        20  years  ago,  Fra  was  struck  by  three  serious  medical  problems,  which  she   on Friday Nov 8th; doors and bar open 7.00
        bore  with  great  stoicism,  carrying  on  life  as  normal.  One  thing  that  helped   for 7.30pm   -  £3.50 at the door
        enormously was bringing Emma the Jack Russell, her faithful companion, into
        the  family  for  John’s  70   birthday.  Eventually,  in  2017,  they  made  the  very   I  don’t  quite  know  how  this  film  hasn’t  become  better
        difficult decision to move to Sussex to be closer to the family.                    known,  as  it  has  had  fantastic  reviews,  from  both  critics
                                                                                            and  ’ordinary’  people.  One  critic  said  that  it  was  ’funny,
        Although Parkinson’s was playing an unhelpful role in Fra’s life, specialist NHS    moving, brilliantly uplfting’ and ‘a must see’. It tells the complicated story of Rose-
        medical support allowed her to keep her life as normal as possible for nearly 20    Lynn, a woman determined to become a country music star, whilst also grappling
        years.    However,  her  condition  continued  to  decline  and  John  continued    with being recently released from prison and a young mother of two children.
        caring for Fra at home until May of this year. Fra spent her last three months in
        Donnington House Care Home, Chichester, a lovely and caring establishment           Jeffrey Overstreet, a critic, wrote: ‘Actress Jessie Buckley rules the screen as Rose-
        where there was always an atmosphere of laughter as well as compassion.             Lyn  Harlan,  a  Glaswegian  23-year-old  who,  released  from  prison,  immediately
                                                                                            launches  herself  into  a  mad  pursuit  of  her  dream  to  conquer  Nashville  as  a
        As Parkinson’s dementia started to encroach, it sometimes caused confusion          country  music  star.  Buckley  is  absolutely  convincing  in  every  aspect  of  this
        but was also the source of much fun and laughter.                                   complicated  character,  and  —  most  importantly  —  burns  the  house  down
        The  family  joined  Fra  on  many  of  these  journeys                             whenever she sings, the microphone unlocking an irrepressible charisma. Buckley
        and they became part of the rich fabric of her life.                                is supported by a great cast, including Julie Walters as her mother, and Sophie
        To add to many memories of a caring, fun, patient                                   Okonedo…
        and kind mother, calm in a crisis who rarely if ever
        said a bad word about anyone.  A woman with an                                      ‘But Wild Rose‘s victory over my deep-set skepticism has even more to do with its
        incredible  memory  of  people,  plants  and  places.                               final act. To the credit of writer Nicole Taylor, it demonstrates wisdom far deeper
        An  elegant  lady  with  impeccable  taste,  great                                  than almost any road-to-stardom story I can think of. It’s more about how a soul is
        sense  of  colour  and  appreciation  of  art.  A  fun-                             saved than how a star is born.’
        loving  woman  with  a  quiet  and  wicked  sense  of

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