Page 19 - br-november-2019
P. 19

November 2019                       November 2019


 Crossways  Travel  celebrated  their  10-year  anniversary  on  September  22   in   humour who got on with everybody.  Who taught her family to not
 Weymouth Centenary Club with a free buffet, a glass of wine, entertainment and   have prejudice, but to have kindness, empathy and consideration.
 of  course  their  2020  Holiday  Brochure  Launch.  The  turnout  far  surpassed  the   Perhaps  her  family’s  most  poignant  memory  will  be
 organisers'  expectation  with  nearly  400  guests  making  time  to  come  and  wish   Fra’s  amazing  ability  to  find  four  leafed  clovers.  On
 them  happy  birthday.  It  was  a  fantastic  evening  and  they  also  had  a  charity   long  country  walks,  Fra  was  constantly  stopping,
 auction raising funds for local charity Mosaic.
         admiring  nature  and  examining  plants.  On  the  day
 Crossways Travel, set up by Kadi and Matt Crocker, initially started out as a small   she  died,  Fra’s  grandson  Alexander  found  a  four
 community  group  offering  days  out  from  the  local  villages.  The  company  has   leafed clover too.
 now become well respected within the tour industry and offers a large range of
 fully  escorted  day  excursions  and  European  and  UK  holidays  with  pickups  all
 around Dorset offering a truly personal touch.
 On  the  photo  at  the  front  from  the  left  Sonia  Abbiss  (office  manager),  Kadi
 Crocker (owner), Penny Bayley- Maynard (tour manager), Matt Crocker (owner).
 Back row from the left Andy Dunoris (driver) and Jeff Holmes (driver).


 “Excellent, difficult to believe that this was not a
 professional group”
 “Our whole evening was wonderful. Such
 “No superlatives can adequately describe this
 awesome production”
 Just some of the lovely comments we received following last month’s production
 of ‘The Elephant Man’

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