Page 22 - br-nov-2018
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November 2018                                                                       November 2018
                                                                                           BERE REGIS
                                                                                           SURGERY NEWS
               Prior  to retirement  Gordon bought  some  land  in  a  very  rural  part  of
               France  and  restored  a  ruined  cottage  on  the  site.    He  and  Patsy   Flu Clinic
       enjoyed spending time there in spring and autumn.  They had something of a
       love/hate relationship with the local edible dormice (Glis glis).                   There is a scheduled Flu Clinic being held at
                                                                                           the Scout Hut, Bere Regis on Saturday Nov
       After his retirement Gordon and Patsy moved to Bere Regis, chosen because of        3rd    8.30-1.00pm.  These  are  booked
       the  facilities  the  village  offered.    They  were  looking  ahead  to  the  time  when   appointments only. If you are eligible for a
       they  might  lose  their  driving  licences  and  thought  a  bungalow  close  to  a   flu vaccination and have not yet had one,
       doctor, dentist, local shop and post office, would make it easier to remain in      please contact the Surgery.
       their own home as long as possible.  They found the village to be very friendly
       and welcoming.  Local people were particular tolerant and helpful as Patsy’s        There will also be a cake stall and an opportunity to enter a raffle at this event. All
       dementia took hold.  Gordon’s family still do not know how many back gardens        proceeds  will  be  in  aid  of  the  Carers’  Christmas  Party.    There  will  also  be  an
       Patsy visited and how many cups of tea she was given and guidance home.             opportunity to donate to a Food Bank Charity.
       The village walking group provided very welcome stress relief for Gordon, one
       of his few means of relaxation when caring for Patsy.  The Pop In Place at the      Keep Warm, Keep Well This Winter
       Drax Hall provided a warm welcome to Gordon and Patsy.
                                                                                           Keeping warm over the winter months can help prevent colds, flu or more serious
       Gordon was proud of all 3 of his children, his 4 grandchildren and his 3 great-     health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.
       grandchildren.  He was looking forward to the arrival of his 4  great-grandchild,
       his son John’s first grandson, in January.                                          Keep Your Home Warm
       During  retirement,  until  a  stroke  in  2017,  Gordon  always  refused  help  in  the   If you have reduced mobility, are 65 or over, or have a health condition such as
       home, even when acting as sole carer for Patsy, his wife, during her prolonged      heart or lung disease, you should heat your home to at least 18◦C and make sure
       period  of  dementia  (Alzheimers)  until  her  death,  in  2010,  at  Dorset  County   that  you  wear  enough  clothes  to  stay  warm.  It’s  a  good  idea  to  keep  your
       Hospital  after  a  stroke.    He  did  all  the  housework,  gardening  including   bedroom at this temperature at night.
       hedgecutting, chainsaw work and pollarding trees from a ladder.  After taking       If you are under 65 and healthy, you can safely have your house cooler than 18◦C
       up judo in his 40s he continued to follow a daily regime of strengthening and
       flexibility exercises.  At the age of 94 he still drove at least twice a week to do   if you feel comfortable.
       shopping at the towns of Wareham and Blandford Forum.                               You can also use a hot water bottle or electric blanket (but not both at the same
                                                                                           time) to keep warm while in bed.
       He bore the effects of his 2017 stroke with grace and fortitude.  He was able to
       remain  in  his  own  home,  with  the  support  of  live-in  carers,  district  nurses  and   Eat Well in Winter
       Bere Regis surgery until shortly after his 96  birthday, when he suffered a further
       stroke and died just over a week later in Dorset County Hospital.                   Food is a vital source of energy, which helps to keep your body warm. Try to make
                                                                                           sure that you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day and keep
                                                                                           active in the home if you can.
                                                                                           Wear Warm Clothes
                                                                                           Wrap up warm, inside and out. Layer your clothing to stay warm and wear shoes
                                                                                           with a good grip if you go outside. If possible, stay inside during a cold period if
                                                                                           you have heart or respiratory problems.
                                                                                           Help Your Neighbours in Winter

                                                                                           Check  on  older  neighbours  or  relatives  to  make  sure  they  are  warm  enough

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