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November 2018                                                                       November 2018
                          BERE REGIS NEWS                                                  LYTCHETT-LINE OUTINGS CLUB

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Salisbury Cathedral Christmas Carol Concert – Wednesday
                                                                                            12 December
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham      471480
                                                                                            Just 11 tickets left available as I write for our last outing of the year, to Salisbury
                                                                                            Cathedral’s  Christmas  Carol  Concert,  so  please  don’t  leave  it  too  late  to  book
       Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher      472151              and risk disappointment.
                                                                                            These  Christmas  Carol  Concerts  are  only  open  to  groups  and  are  similar  to  the
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda           472327                    famous  ‘Lessons  and  Carols’  from  King’s  College,  Cambridge.    At  14.00  The
                                                                                            Cathedral Choristers and the Men’s Choir combine to give a magnificent choral
                                                                                            concert  that  benefits  from  the  cathedral’s  wonderful  acoustics.    Following  the
                                                                                            Concert we’ll enjoy mulled wine and mince pies in the Cloisters.
                                                                                            You’ll be able to combine the concert with a optional 60 min Cathedral Floor Tour
                                                                                            at 12.00 at no extra cost, or enjoy a 90 min tour of the Cathedral Tower at 11.30, if
                                                                                            you’re fit and can manage the 332 steps!, for £13.50 extra, The Refectory will be
        The Parish Council met on Thursday 11  October 2018 at the Drax Hall. The next
        meeting will be on Thursday 8  November at  the Drax Hall,  starting at 7pm.  All   open for lunch.
        parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any                                              The  excellent  Salisbury  Christmas
        matters or concerns at the start of the meeting.                                                                              Market  will  also  be  open,  so  you
                                                                                                                                      could opt for Christmas shopping

                                                                                                                                      before the Cathedral Tour, or miss
        Neighbourhood Plan                                                                                                            the tour and spend more time at
                                                                                                                                      the  market  and  shops!    There’s
        Finally, progress! You will all know that, somewhat tediously, we have been writing
        about  the  Neighbourhood  Plan  for  many  years  now.  Well,  it’s  finally  coming  to                                     also the option to visit ‘Arundells’,
        fruition! At the beginning of the month we sent our final version to Purbeck District                                         Edward  Heath’s  former  home,
        Council  for  their  part  in  the  process  leading  to  a  parish-wide  referendum  next                                    ‘Mompesson  House’,  both  in  the
        May.  Over  the  coming  months  we  will  endeavour  to  tell  you  what  the  various
        elements of the plan will mean for all of us as residents.                                                                    Cathedral Close.
                                                                                            The  total  price,  including  a  transept  seat,  the  coach,  concert  entrance  and
        Both  the  plan  itself  and  some  Frequently  Asked  Questions  are  on  the      (optional)  cathedral  tour,  is  £25  each.    We’ll  leave  Lytchett  Matravers  (free
        Neighbourhood  Plan  section  of  the  Parish  Council  website,  and  you  can  view
        them  here:       Parking) at 09.00 on Wednesday 12 December and return from the Cathedral at
        plan/.                                                                              16.00, to be back home, full of Christmas spirits, at c.17.15.
                                                                                            Front Nave seats are + £5.00 and the rear Nave and front 3 rows of the transept

                                                                                            seats are + £3.00.
        Village Tidy
                                                                                            Come and join us and have some fun with our friendly club!
        We held our Village Tidy on Saturday 14th October. It was not well attended, but
        a  gallant  band  of  perhaps  25  people  worked  hard  and  cleared  some  of  the   New club members are very welcome, and membership is free  – just ring (after
        gutters  of  weeds  and  debris,  cleaned  road  signs,  and  the  Scout  Group  once   10.00 please!)
        again cleared litter along the stream and the wooded area between the Scout
        Hut and Shitterton Bridge. A very big thank you to everyone who turned out, and     Jo Puttick on 01929-459368, or
        to the Drax Arms for the delicious soup and other refreshments put on for us at the   email –
        end of the morning.

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