Page 26 - br-nov-2018
P. 26

November 2018                                                                       November 2018


       Purbeck Local Plan
       All  councillors  were  at  a  recent  meeting  at  the
       Purbeck  School  where  we  discussed  and  agreed                                                    BLUE VINNEY AND SPINACH SOUP
       our  final  submission  of  our  Local  Plan.  The  draft
       Purbeck  Local  Plan  2018-2034  will  be  published                                       Following the visit of our visitors from Cerences in 2018  there were a few
       between 22 October and 3 December 2018. During                                           small lumps of Blue Vinney cheese  left over.  Too expensive and tasty to throw
       this period, people can comment on the Plan and                                                                 away I made this soup
       its  policies.  All  comments  received  will  then  be                                 Ingredients
       passed to an independent planning inspector who will examine the plan before it
                                                                                               Knob of butter
       can be adopted in autumn 2019 and used to determine planning applications
       from then onwards.                                                                      One onion (chopped)
                                                                                               One potato (diced and chopped into small squares)
        This plan has been the subject of a number of public consultations in 2015, 2016
       and 2018.  Many people expressed concern during the 2016 consultation about             Chicken or vegetable stock
       the number of extra homes, so the Council pledged to fully review the plan and          Spinach (broccoli or cauliflower would do but spinach gives the soup a
       has  now  included  a  policy  to  restrict  the  number  of  second  homes.  New       fabulous colour)
       guidance was received from the Government in autumn 2017 which estimated                About 100 to 140 gm Blue Vinney cheese
       fewer  extra  new  homes  were  needed:  1,700  compared  with  3,080  extra  new

       homes specified in 2016.
       The most recent consultation took place in early 2018 and focused primarily on
       housing. Over 8,000 residents, businesses and organisations completed a paper           1.  Soften the onion with the butter add the potato and continue to cook but do
       questionnaire  and  telephone  survey.  Following  consideration  of  the  feedback        not let them go brown add a bit of water if needed
       received  during  the  consultations  and  some  revised  technical  information  and   2.  Add half the spinach and let it wilt
       data, the Purbeck Local Plan was then revised and agreed. Without a valid plan,
       we are open to the threat of speculative developers.                                    3.  Add the stock and rest of spinach

       People should submit their comments online at          4.  Cook until the potato is cooked (5 to 10 mins)
       portal/   between 22 October and 3 December 2018. Only comments received                5.  Try not to boil for too long or hard  as spinach will lose its colour
       during  this  period  can  be  considered  by  the  inspector.    If  anyone  needs
       assistance,  they  should  contact  the  Planning  Policy  team  at  Purbeck  District   6.  Add crumbled Blue Vinney cheese and stir until melted in and then blitz
       Council  at  or  telephone  01929  557260.  The  draft        with a stick blender or liquidize and season (Will not need much salt as
       plan,  supporting  documentation  and  response  form  can  be  found  at                  cheese  will do this)
                                                                                               7.  Serve with croutons or a swirl of cream

                                                                                               NB  Will work with other hard blue cheeses but great way of using odd bits
       Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.                                                               Susan Stone
       If  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District
       Council please do come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get
       to the surgery my email address is
                                                    Peter Wharf - District Councillor

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