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May 2024                                                                             May 2024

       For the lemon syrup                                                                 SOCIABLE BOOKWORMS
            1 unwaxed lemon
            1tbsp golden syrup                                                            The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
            15g (½ oz) unsalted butter
            120g 4oz caster sugar                                                         Our  January  novel  was  enjoyed  by  us  all,  and
                                                                                           offered intrigue and excitement round every corner.
       First make the lemon syrup.  Peel the lemon as thinly as possible and squeeze out   Centred around a brother and his half-sister, Ben and
       the juice.  Put the peel, juice and other syrup ingredients into a small saucepan   Jess,  this  murder  mystery  kept  us  gripped  and
       with  200  ml  (7  fl  oz)  of  water  and  heat  gently,  stirring  until  sugar  is  dissolved.    guessing right to the end.
       Leave to stand until needed                                                                                 Jess arrives in Paris to spend some time with Ben. As this
       Pre-heat the oven to 190 C (375F).  Gas Mark 5.  Thoroughly grease a baking tin                             a pre-arranged visit, Jess is surprised that, on arriving at
       or  ovenproof  baking  dish.    Sift  the  flour  and  baking  powder  into  a  food                        his apartment, Ben isn’t there to meet her. Her surprise
       processor, add the butter and process to fine breadcrumbs.  (Alternatively put in                           turns  to  concern,  as  Ben  seems  to  have  completely
       a  large  mixing  bowl  and  rub  together  wit  your  fingertips  until  they  resemble                    disappeared.  She  seeks  the  support  of  a  range  of
       breadcrumbs.)  Mix in milk to form a dough                                                                  characters  (many  with  their  own  issues  and  secrets)
       Roll out the dough on a floured surface to a 20 cm (8in) square approx 5mm (1/4                             and,  during  her  search,  realises  that  some  are  to  be
       in) thick.  Spread the chopped apples and raisins onto the dough and sprinkle                               trusted more than others - but who can she rely on and
       with the sugar and spice.  Roll up very tightly like a Swiss roll and cut into 2.5 cm 1                     who should she steer clear of?
       in slices.                                                                                                  Many  cleverly  woven  twists  and  turns  kept  us  on  the
                                                                                                                   edge of our seats. A highly recommended read.
       Arrange the slices in the greased
       baking  tin  or  dish  in  a  single
       layer.  Remove the peel from the                                                                            The Trial by Rob Rinder
       syrup  and  pour  over  the  slices.
       Bake  in  the  oven  for  30  minutes                                                                       Our February novel had more mixed reviews. Some of
       or  until  the  slices  are  puffed  up                                             our members had some background knowledge of the author and had seen him
       and  golden  brown.    Serve  with                                                  on  television  prior  to  reading  The  Trial.  Others
       custard or clotted cream.                                                           came  in  ‘cold’.  I  mention  this  as  it  appears  that
                                                                                           those  who  were  familiar  with  Rob  Rinder  were
                                                                                           able  to  benefit  from  their  knowledge  of  his
                                                                                           background  -  both  professional  and  personal.
                                                                                           They  seemed  to  ‘hit  the  ground  running’  as  it
                                                                                           were,  and  became  hooked  by  the  story  much
                                                                                           more  quickly  than  those  going  in  with  no
                                                                                           expectation,  finding  it  highly  enjoyable  and
                                                                                           difficult  to  put  down.  Those  of  us  who  hadn’t
                                                                                           heard  of  the  author,  or  perhaps  only  knew  the
                                                                                           name, were slower to get going, and didn’t find it
                                                                                           as compelling.  An interesting division which, as a
                                                                                           group, we haven’t experienced before.
                                                                                           However,  by  the  end,  we  all  enjoyed  the  book,
                                                                                           and as well as the investigation into the poisoning
                                                                                           of policeman, Grant Clivedon, we also found the

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