Page 33 - may2024
P. 33

May 2024                              May 2024



 Julien  Lightfoot  and  Scouts  Jack  and  George
 gave  us  an  excellent  presentation  on  the
 explorers  expedition  to  Borneo  last  year.    We
 heard  descriptions  of  their  encounters  with  Sun
 bears, snakes, crocodiles and even a meeting with a wild orangutan.  This was a
 month  long  trip  in  August  of  last  year.  The  talk  described  working  on  charity
 projects working on the rare sun bear enclosures and work building a latrine for a
 community building.  The Scouts were learning to build work hard and get along
 with each other.  During the course of the month they hiked in hot sticky Jungle
 heat  coped  with  humidity  were  eaten  by  insects  crashed  down  waterfalls  and
 went on a jungle river cruise.

       great  fun  but  a  lot  of  hard  work.  It
       amazes  me  still  how  much  goes  on  in
       sleepy  old  Dorset.  During  this  period,  I
       found  time  to  captain  a  channel  relay
       team with the objective to become the
       oldest 6-person mixed relay team to swim
       the channel. We were successful with an
 This was an amazing story.     What a fantastic opportunity for our young people to   average  age  of  75  years  and  187  days
 experience  a  wild jungles  weird  food  and  the  primitive  lifestyle.    I  am  sure  they   though  to  this  day  the  swim  was  never
 appreciated  coming  home  to  civilization  and  yet  gave  them  a  thirst  for  more   ratified  by  the  Channel  Swimming  &
 adventures.     Piloting   Federation.   The   swim   was
       approved  by  both  the  pilot  and  the
 Next month we have a talk on Real Dorset.  This is a photographic tour of Dorset a   official   observer   and   we   were
 look at unusual out of the way legends facts and tales to help us understand the   congratulated  on  the  day  for  our
 County where we live and enjoy life..     success.  One  of  the  takeovers  took  an
       extra  4  minutes  which  we  contended

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