Page 32 - may2024
P. 32

May 2024                                                                             May 2024
       43  years  I  headed  the  club  which  the  main  aim  was  to  teach  local  children  to
       swim. Looking back, apart from my family, it is the achievement I am most proud
       of,  and  the  club  still  continues  today  nearly  50  years  later  under  the  excellent
       guidance of Alan White and a new generation of teachers. I well remember that
       first club night in June 1976 when 120 children and adults turned up to be taught to
       swim in the tiny school pool. It was certainly a baptism by fire as Jane, Bryan and I
       took turns to teach yet another group. Numbers settled a little after that and I look
       back fondly at the many hundreds if not thousands of youngsters who have learnt
       to swim at the club. From time to time, I still get former members come up to me
       remembering fondly their time at the club: the barbecues and presentation nights
       in our garden, the carnival floats, the galas.
       There  have  I  guess  been  a  few  other  significant  events  in  my  life.  Meeting  Tom
       Watch, the Weymouth channel swimming coach legend and in 1992 completing a
       solo channel swim in 18 hours 41 minutes with the Channel Swimming Association. I
       won the Rosemary George trophy for the most meritorious swim of the year for that
       year because of the rough seas in the crossing. On the back of this I did a couple
       of 26kms swims across the Gulf of Toroneos in Greece, a wonderful experience in
       much warmer seas.

       With others, I formed the East Dorset Open Water Swimming Cub in Poole and was
       its founder chairman starting up the annual Seahorse Race at Studland where 300
       swimmers compete over a 3.8kms course. The club and the race continue today. I
       also swam a mile in every one of the remaining UK lidos in 2007/08 with my friend
       Dave Pratten (100 miles in 100 lidos) raising over £4,000 for Save the Children fund. I
       carried the Olympic torch in 2012 in recognition of my years teaching children to
       swim.    I  also  became  Dorset  County  ASA  president  in  2005  and  ASA  South-West
       president in 2018.

       Meanwhile, I made a couple of national television appearances, first with Robson
       Green on ITV with his wild swimming programme and then with Louise Minchin and
       the  BBC’s  Real  Rescues  programme.  I  have  covered  these  stories  in  previous
       features for the parish magazine so I must not go over the detail again. They were
       great fun to do, and it was interesting to see how programmes like these were put
       together.  My  dramatic rescue from  Dancing Ledge on  the Purbecks in 2011 was
       covered  brilliantly  by  the  BBC  and  Louise  was  charming.  It  was  the  second  time
       that I had been rescued by helicopter earning me the title in the family of, air miles
       Inspired by Diana I took up competitive flower arranging and have done quite well
       at that over the years. I will never be as good as Diana as she is the real expert, but
       I have had fun trying. Interestingly, our friends in the Dorset flower arranging world
       treat me like a proper flower arranger and I have picked up the occasional Area
       and Dorset County Show awards, so I am not a complete fraud!

       In  the  last  couple  of  years  and  20  years  after  I  retired  from  Canada  Life,  I  have
       been  selling  advertising  space  for  Miranda’s  West  Dorset  Magazine.  It  has  been

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