Page 81 - br-may-2022
P. 81

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

       BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE                                                               as  never  before.  The  Ukrainian  Army  reports  that  they  are  seeing  God  helping
                                                                                           them. “We recognise that there is no reason that we are able to hold back the
       SHOP  - OUR VILLAGE SHOP                                                            enemy  forces”.    They  have  seen  bombs  dropping  that  don’t  explode,  Russian
                                                                                           tanks  that  run  out of  fuel for  no reason.  Russian  soldiers  are  putting down their
                                                                                           weapons  and  giving  themselves  up  as  POW’s,  because  they  are  against  this
       The Friends of Briantspuddle Post                                                   conflict.    The  Bible  Society  in  Kyiv  has  run  out  of  Bibles  as  people  flock  to  buy
       Office and Village Shop Association Ltd                                             them.

       Annual report to the Parish Meeting 13                                              That report came in a few weeks ago.  Things are moving so quickly, and could
                                                                                           have changed considerably by the time you read this.
       April 2022
                                                                                           Here in our own country people are worried because of the big increase in the
       The Post Office and Village shop continues to play a                                cost of living, yet no similar increase in wages.  The war in Ukraine is affecting us
       strong role in our community. We were really pleased                                too, with higher prices for wheat, fertiliser and cooking oil.
       that as lock down restrictions lifted and people were
       able  to  start  shopping  more  freely  at  the  large  supermarkets  we  did  not   We could easily become depressed by our own situations, and all the negative
       immediately see our customer base or turnover drop, in fact in the year 2020/21     things going on around us, so what is the answer?  That centre verse in the Bible is
       we  saw  a  turnover  of  £62,000  up  on  the  previous  year.  We  are  very  keen  to   even more relevant for each one of us.
       continue with the wide range of fresh produce we are able to sell and this is only
       possible if we achieve the turnover.                                                “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
                                                                                           Commit your life to God and trust Him with your future.  You will find that verse
       We continue to see the mix of sales at broadly ¼ Fresh fruit and Veg, ¼ Meat and
                                                                                           becomes true for you in ways you could not have imagined.
                                                                                            Psalm  118  begins  and  ends  with  the  words  “Give  thanks  to  the  Lord,  for  He  is
                                    G P Lewis                                              good,  His  love  endures  forever”.    “Forever”  means  “For  Ever!    Always!    God  is
                                                                                           totally reliable, He never changes.   His promises in the Bible never change.  They
         Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator                                             are as true today as when they were written many years ago.
                                                                                           “It is better to trust in the Lord” at all times, and in every situation.
        All aspects of painting and
        decorating undertaken including                                                    Just a Smile
        Domestic, New builds, Refurbs                                                      The  father  of  five  children  had  won  a  toy  in  a
        and Commercial.                                                                    raffle.    He  called  his  kids  together  to  ask  which
                                                                                           one of them should have the present.  “Who is the
        Qualified and with over 30 years                                                   most  obedient?”  he  asked.  “Who  never  talks
        experience, will offer friendly                                                    back to Mother?  Who does everything she says?”
                                                                                           Five small voices replied in unison “Okay dad, you
        advice if needed.                                                                  get the toy”!

            1st class finish                  If you require a job done hassle free       A Sunday School teacher was discussing the Ten
            Free written quotes                 by an honest, friendly tradesman          Commandments  with  her class.    After  explaining
                                                   please give Gavin a call on
            Fully insured                      01929 471704 or 07977                      the  commandment  to  ‘Honour  thy  Father  and
                                                                                           Mother’, she asked, “Is there any commandment
            No job too small or big                  047314, Email:                       that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?”  Without  missing a beat,
            No VAT                                                                        one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, “Thou shalt not kill”!

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