Page 86 - br-may-2022
P. 86

 Mayl 2022                             May 2022
          Village Hall            KDL Plumbing           Sharon Dobson
 Ringing the Changes!              and Heating              Handmade
         Available for Hire for private

 Our  Bere  Regis  bell-ringers  will  soon  be  ringing  for  the   parties or regular meetings.   Immersion Heaters, Taps   Find out how I can help you
 Queen’s 70  Anniversary Celebrations, marking this special   Please note that the main Hall is   transform the look of your
 state  occasion  as  our  church  bells  have  done  for  500   on an upper level, we do   Showers, Toilets, Tanks,    home.
         however  have a chair lift.
 years.   There is a smaller room also   Radiators and more.   Bespoke handmade curtains
          available for meetings                          and alterations, Roman
 To keep this tradition going, and to ring for regular services   The Hall hire cost is £8 per hour for   Call Kevin    blinds, soft furnishings and
 and for weddings, we need some new ringers to join the band.   both rooms         0747-512-8249    upholstery projects
        For hire and booking enquiries

              please email             (01929) - 448548   07960 459834
 Your Village needs You!
          01929 471528                    All areas served
 Our  way  of  ringing is  happy  and  relaxed  –  you  don’t  have  to  memorise  lots  of
 changes;  it’s  good  exercise  but  not  too  strenuous;  our  ringers  are  involved  in
 many other village groups; we welcome all ages from 12 years up.    Toes and Fingers   Purbeck   Computer
 Most of us learnt to ring here in Bere Regis. We can teach you if you have never   Toe and finger nail   Plumbing   Problems?

 rung before & “show you the ropes” again if you once rang, but fear you may      Email & internet support
 now have forgotten.   cutting service in your   Boiler services,   Wireless networking setup
             own home
                                      repairs and          PC and Laptop repairs
         Toe nail cutting £15    installation.  Drains and   Virus and malware removal
 Give it a try
        Finger nail cutting £12   waste pipes unblocked.     No call-out charge
 Make  contact,  then  come  along  on  any   Both treatments £18      Over 20 years’ experience
 practice  night,  Wednesdays  from  6.30  to      Call Steve Iles on   Call Alan on :
 7.30 pm, see what it is like and have a try   Call Kay on    01929 550858   01929 480529
 yourself. You will never forget the first time   01202 280492 or    07831 312740   07710 835905
 you rang a church bell!
           07968 290333                        


 Adrian Standfield  471 774   our  Tower   Interested in   A ‘Small Ad’ like these is only £70 a
 Captain    playing or            year and is a great way for advertisers
        learning croquet?
 Jenny Clifford   471 051              to ensure that their contact
 John Cleave     information is always to hand for
                                            potential customers.
            01929 472204
            07980 258932           The most cost effective form of local
          No fees involved.                      advertising.

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