Page 83 - br-may-2022
P. 83

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022
       2.    For the benefit of the volunteers.                                             BISHOP’S LETTER

       Being part of the community, having the opportunity to do something for others,
       having a reason to get up – all the reasons people give for why they volunteer.      By The Rt Revd Karen Gorham,
       3.    For the benefit of the wider community.                                        Acting Bishop of Salisbury

       The shop has few fixed costs which we need to cover which enables us to set our      How  many  of  us  like  to  be  kept  waiting?  I  must
       prices  as  low  as  possible.  We  do  then  have  the  opportunity  to  support  parish   admit that my feet start tapping when I end up in
       activity with any profit made. Ideas are always welcome.                             the  longest  queue  in  the  supermarket,  or  sighs
                                                                                            start when the traffic lights all seem to change to
       2022  brings  the  20   anniversary  of  the  shop  opening  and  we  will  certainly  be   red  when  I  arrive  at  them.  We  are  so  used  to
       looking forward to celebrating with the whole parish the success of the shop to      getting  everything  now  almost  instantly  that  any
       date and looking forward to the future.                                              kind of delay makes us frustrated.
                                                                Ali Chorley, Chair          May  2022  will  be  a  month  of  waiting.  Firstly  we
                The Friends of Briantspuddle Post Office and Village Shop Association Ltd   wait for our new Bishop to be enthroned; having
                                                                                            been elected  and  consecrated,  Bishop Stephen
                                                                                            will  join  us  fully  in  June.  And  secondly,  following
       THANK YOU ERICA                                                                      the  Easter  season  in  our  lectionary  readings,  we
                                                                                            join the disciples as they wait for the coming of God’s Spirit at Pentecost. So, it is
                                                                                            good  for  us to reflect a  bit  this  month on  how in  God’s  rhythms  (and  not  ours),
       Erica  Moriarty  has  decided  to  take  a  break  from  her  monthly  task  of  delivering   waiting and prayer are used for preparation.
       your  monthly  parish  magazine  after  a  great  many  years.    We  thank  her  for  her   Whilst I have enjoyed my time as acting diocesan Bishop, it has been hard work
       unstinting dedication and provision of a great service in all weathers.              juggling two roles (or wearing two hats!), and I look forward to handing over the
       Welcome to Erica’s successor  -  Christine Coates.  We are very grateful to have     diocesan reins.
       you continuing support.                                                              Pentecost will be a timely reminder that we do everything in the Lord’s strength,
                                                                                            and without God’s resources, we can do very little. The disciples were called to
                                                                                            prepare, to wait together, patiently, expectantly and prayerfully. Please join me
                                                                                            this month in praying for our new life together as a diocese, so that we may be
                                                                                            open to God’s Spirit in the same way as the disciples were.
                                 Did you Know?
                                                                                            A favourite prayer of mine from the Iona Community goes like this: You keep us
          You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if            waiting. ‘You, the God of all time, want us to wait for the right time in which to
                               you live within the parishes.                                discover who we are, where we must go, who will be with us and what we must
                                                                                            do. So thank you…for the waiting time.’
          We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the              Bishop Karen
         delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less than you
           would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be
                            included on one of these rounds.

                Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
                or  01929 471780

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