Page 18 - br-may-2022
P. 18

Mayl 2022                             May 2022

 NEWS                           OBITUARIES
                 the  Dorset  Gliding  Club.  To  keep  up  with  modern  technology,  in
                 2000  aged  71,  Olive  completed  an  IT  Course  ‘Introduction  to
 COUNCIL   For  Olive’s  80th  birthday  the  family  organised  a  surprise  party  at  the  Royal
         British Legion Club, Bere Regis. She very much enjoyed the evening but told
         the family afterwards that she wished she had worn something different. On
 Platinum Jubilee   another memorable occasion, in June 2019, Olive had a 90th birthday party
         enjoying afternoon tea in the Scout Hut, again with family and close friends.
 The plaque for the Jubilee tree is now in place beside the commemorative oak at
 the top of Bladen Valley. The Parish Council has also agreed to support the Village   When  time  allowed  Olive  enjoyed  knitting,  embroidery  and  making  puzzles
 Shop with a financial contribution of £300 towards the cost of bunting, as well as   but  her  favourite  pastime  was  cooking,  especially  cakes,  homemade  ice
 Jubilee mugs which are to be gifted to all children in the Parish. Councillors were   cream  and  her  family  famous  apple  crumble.    When  this  was  made  by
 informed  that  the  Village  Hall  Committee  is  looking  to  organise  a  street  party  a   others, the phrase “It doesn’t taste as good as granny’s” was often heard.
 development which was warmly welcomed.   As we have heard here today, Olive was very much a family lady, with lots of
         happy  memories  made  during  gatherings  especially  at  Shitterton.  Playing

 The Old Granary   badminton, swingball and crazy golf in the large garden, splashing about in
         the  paddling  pool  on  hot  summer  afternoons  and  ending  the  day  with  a
 Briantspuddle Village Shop and Post Office rents the Old Granary from the Parish   sleepover. Christmas was always a magical and special time for children and
 Council.  The  Lease  between  the  Shop  and  the  Parish  Council  means  that  the   adults alike, with lots of fun, laughter and good food.
 Council retains the larger share of the responsibility for the fabric of the building. It   Even when Olive moved into her flat she still so desperately wanted to keep
 has a reserve fund should repairs be needed. Concerns have recently been raised   this  tradition  going  but  with  the  ever  growing  family  it  wasn’t  possible.
 regarding  the  roof  of  the  building,  and  some  loose  tiles.  This  is  being  urgently   However,  the  family  did  keep  the  tradition  going  in  their  own  homes,  with
 investigated  so  that  the  Parish  Council  can  receive  advice in  terms  of  the  work
 required, and the likely cost.   Olive a guest and not the host. This is something the family have said they will
         continue  and  make  even  more  memories  for  their  children  and  future

 The Hollow & Straw Spillage   The  family  meant  everything  to  Olive,  she  was  a  Mum  to  Richard,  Valerie,

 At the March Parish Council Meeting Councillors heard from residents about issues   Diana  and  their  partners,  a  Gran  to  Russell,  Kelly,  Lisa,  Matthew  and  their
 with straw spillage from tractors and trailers passing up and down The Hollow. An   partners  and  a  grandma  to  Joel,  Lucas,  Pheebi,  Louie,  Alfie,  Charlie,  Isla,
 article  was  placed  in  the  Parish  Magazine  with  the  intention  of  gathering  more   Amelia, Oscar and Willow.
 information so that a more wide-ranging discussion could be initiated in the hope   Loving thoughts from a great grandchild ………
 of bringing about a resolution to these issues.
         “She was always so happy to see us, she had
 A resident farmer attended the Parish Council meeting and spoke during public   such a lovely smile”.
 participation. He commented that he and others were upset by the article in the
 Parish  Magazine.  The  Chairman  explained  that  this  was  not  the  intention  of  the
 article, its purpose was to purely reflect the discussion at the PC meeting and to
 collect more information. He went on to explain that he thought the issues were
 caused  by  overhanging  trees  and  asked  the  Parish  Council  to  make
 arrangements  for  the  work  necessary  to  comply  with  highway  clearance

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