Page 13 - br-may-2022
P. 13

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          cheeses,  ¼  Sainsbury’s  ambient  (that’s  non  perishables  –  every  day  is  a  school
                                                                                            day   ) and ¼ “other” including the newspapers.
       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                     The greatest achievement has to
                                                                                            be  in  the  number  and  mix  of
                                                                                            the  volunteers  involved.  We
       Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service,  Taken  by  visiting  preachers,  or  our  full  time   have firstly been thrilled to see
       Youth Worker,            John Williams.                                              some of those who had to step
                                                                                            down    due    to   COVID
        Our services also go out live on you tube                                           restrictions  come  back  and
                                                                                            pick up their  old or  new  roles.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.                 We’ve   also   added   new
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.                         volunteers,  some  who  have
                                                                                            lived  in  the  parish  for  a  while
       Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group,  contact Suzie on 0796214255              and some who have moved in
                                                                                            more  recently.  It  really  is  a
                                                                                            great  way  to  meet  people.
       A friend and I recently had the privilege to sing a duet at a funeral.  It was the   There  are  currently  circa  40
       familiar  Psalm  23,  “The  Lord’s  my  Shepherd,”  I  think  this  is  the  most  well  known   people  involved  in  everything
       Psalm in the Bible, and the words are a comfort to us at any time, but especially    from placing orders  and collecting  stock  and  keeping the  shop open  7  days  a
       when we suffer a bereavement. The psalm assures us that God is with us.  “Even       week. We are looking forward to celebrating the contribution the shop makes at
       though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death You are with me, Your        our AGM on the 29  April at 7.00pm in the Village hall. All are welcome – We’d
       rod and staff comfort me.”                                                           love to see you there.

                                                          There  are  150  Psalms  in       We are grateful to the Village Hall committee to their continued support. We were
                                                         the  Bible,    Psalm  117  is      using the hallway and lobby area through out 2021 to enable us to maintain the
                                                         the  shortest  chapter  in         oneway system and COVID safe access to the shop. We were also thrilled to be
                                                         the  Bible  with  just  two        able  to  open  the  Christmas  “Pop  Up”  shop  in  the  Jubilee  room  once  again.
                                                         verses,    Psalm  119  is  the     Thanks  to  the  Community  group  who  moved  Saturday  Coffee  Shop  to  the  Hall
                                                         longest  chapter  with  176        during December. It was great to be able to offer the range of Christmas gifts and
                                                         verses.    Psalm  118  is  the     cards  and  the  Vegetable  stall  in  the  week  leading  up  to  Christmas  was  well
                                                         centre  chapter  of  the           supported.
                                                         Bible,  and  the  centre           As a community benefit society the shop is run for the benefit of our parish in 3
                                                         verse in the Bible is Psalm        ways.
                                                         118  verse  8.    In  the  Bible
                                                         there  are  594  chapters          1.   For the benefit of those who use the shop.
                                                         before  Psalm  118,  and
                                                         594  chapters  after  Psalm        It  is  important  to  us  that  the  shop  is  not  just  for  the  forgotten  tin  of  beans  or
                                                         118, that is a total of 1188       because  you’ve  run  out  of  milk,  but  to  provide  the  means  to  buy  a  fresh  and
                                                         chapters.    So  what  does        healthy  diet  from  within  the  village.  Of  course  most  of  us  will  need  to  use  the
                                                         Psalm118:    8,  the  centre       Supermarkets and shops in town but for those that can’t or don’t want to travel
       verse in the Bible say to us?  “ It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence   into town it’s great that we can provide the wide range we do. I believe our fresh
       in man.”                                                                             fruit and veg is often better quality than the supermarkets too. The shop also plays
                                                                                            an  important  role  in  providing a  place  to go and  meet  people,  to share  good
       As we look around at the world, and at all that is going on, especially in Ukraine,   news or bad.
       how appropriate that verse seems.  Yet God is at work in Ukraine.  A recent report
       from a Pastor says that the churches are packed to capacity as people seek God

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