Page 33 - br-may-2021
P. 33

May 2021                              May 2021

       So,  if  you  are  a  gardener  and  would  like  to  support
 DORSET TRADING STANDARDS   wildlife  conservation  in  a  practical  way,  why  not  buy
       your bean poles and pea sticks form a local coppicer
 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and   rather  than  buy  imported  bamboo  canes  from  a
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.   garden  centre.  John  (the  coppicer  at  Kite  Hill)  will
 For more information visit or   deliver  his  bean  poles  and  pea  sticks  –  he  can  be
 call 08454 040506.             contacted on 0773 297 0484.
 To report or seek advice about problems you have
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       No Mow May

 Rogue trader jailed for fraudulent trading across four   Do you have a lawn? Do you fancy a break from the
 counties   chore of mowing the lawn? Would you like to be more
       wildlife  friendly?  Yes?  If  so,  why  not  join  the  No  Mow
 A  man  who  worked  on  a  range  of  home  and  garden  maintenance  jobs  at   May  movement! Simply,  don’t  mow  during  May  –  the
 consumers’ homes in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Devon has been jailed for   daisies  and  other  flowers  that  should  emerge  during
 participating in a fraudulent business.    the  month  will  provide  an  additional  and  welcome
       nectar  and  pollen  source  for  our insects. More insects
 On 22 March, at Bournemouth Crown Court, Thomas Edward Turner (Aged 41) of   mean  a  greater  food source  for  other  wildlife, so birds  etc  are also benefitting.
 Oaktree Farm Caravan site, Odstock Road, Salisbury, was sentenced to two years   Even  better,  why  not  leave  an  area  of  your  lawn  unmown  over  the  summer
 and eight months imprisonment.   allowing a wider range of plants to flourish, flower and seed – just mow in Autumn.
 Fraudulent  behaviour  was  identified  at  eight  properties  where  he  had  worked,
 carrying out a mix of roofing, guttering, driveway and path repairs, moss removal,
 jet washing and garden work. These properties were in Ferndown; Christchurch;   Souls Moor Ponies
 Exeter,  Devizes;  Andover  and  Shipton  Bellinger  in  Hampshire.  A  catalogue  of
 excessive  charging,  unnecessary  work  and  charging  for  work  not  done  was   The ponies should be returning to Souls Moor during this month to continue their
 revealed when these cases were investigated by trading standards officers from   summer  grazing  of  the  meadow.  Do  say  “hello”  to  them  when  you  pass,  but
 His  men  would  start
 work   immediately
 and   undertake
 unnecessary   and
 sub-standard   work
 at  grossly  inflated
 prices.    The  victims
 paid in  advance  for
 the  work  by  cash  or
 b a n k    t r a n s f e r .
 Investigation   of
 T u r n e r ’ s    b a n k
 accounts  led  to  the
 details   of   seven
 other  victims  being  traced  and  together  they  were  found  to  have  lost  over
 £100,000 between them. Turner later admitted to a total of £70,000.   839209

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