Page 60 - BR-May-2018
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May 2018                                                                             May 2018
       We are planning a series of other events over the coming summer months, so
       watch this space for further news of these.                                          PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT

       Conservation Working Parties                                                        Local Plan Review

       As Spring is now upon us our Autumn and Winter working parties are over. Our last   The ‘new homes for Purbeck’ consultation has now
       working  party  in  March  concentrated  on  sowing  wildflower  seeds  near  to  the   finished.  Over  6,700  residents  and  131  businesses
       entrance  to  the  school.  As  last  year,  hopefully  to  give  a  stunning  display  this   completed  the  questionnaire  which  was  sent  to
       coming Summer. The flowers will also provide a great source of nectar for bees,     every household and business in Purbeck. Nineteen
       butterflies  and  other  insects  adding  to  the  wildlife  value  of  the  area.  At  our   town  and  parish  councils  responded  and  over  500
       previous  working  party  in  early  February  we  continued  with  clearance  of   people  attended  the  drop-in  sessions.  Information
       undergrowth along the riverside path, particularly in some wetter areas to give     from this will be published in due course.
       plants  such  as  the  Marsh  Marigold  (which  are  now  giving  a  wonderfully  bright
       yellow display) and Flag Iris the opportunity to flourish. We also translocated some
       Flag Iris and rush to the new pond at Souls Moor. We will translocate other suitable   The Purbeck Mile
       wetland plants as the opportunity arises, making it a wildlife haven as well as a   The  Purbeck  Integrated  Health  and  Wellbeing  Locality  Group  is  working  with
       source of drinking water for the ponies. Nature is, though, already doing a good    partners on the Purbeck Mile. The aim of the Purbeck Mile is to increase people’s
       job with various creatures and plants already colonising it – go and take a look to   participation in walking as short walks are proven to improve physical and mental
       see what you can spot.
                                                                                                                                    health.  Each  GP  practice  and
       A very big thank you to all our hard working volunteers. Please come and join us                                             hospital in Purbeck will be provided
       when we re-commence in the Autumn – it’s great fun!                                                                          with a free map showing a 1 and 2
                                                                                                                                    mile  walk  starting  from  the  GP

                                                                                                                                    surgery. Maps will also be provided
       Wildlife Sightings                                                                                                           in  both  Wareham  and  Swanage
                                                                                                                                    Hospital and at the Council Offices.
       There  is  a  long  list  of  birds  that  have
       been  spotted  on  Souls  Moor  Nature                                                                                       This work forms part of the Locality
       Reserve and alongside the streamside                                                                                         Sustainability  and  Transformation
       walk  from  the  Scout  hut  to  Shitterton.                                                                                 plan  and  links  to  the  wider
       This  shows  how  valuable  a  wildlife                                                                                      Prevention  at  Scale  Agenda.  A
       resource  we  are  creating.  The  birds                                                                                     steering  group  is  working  with  the
       spotted  include  house  sparrow,                                                                                            GP  surgeries  to  ensure  that  Maps
       dunnock  or  hedge  sparrow,  thrush,                                               are displayed and that GPs and other staff promote the walks to patients. Work
       fieldfare,  redwing,  blackbird,  magpie,                                           will also take place with local Patient Participation Groups to look to put in place
       jackdaw,  crow,  robin,  wren,  kestrel,                                            weekly  walking  groups  from  each  surgery  to  support  take  up.  It  is  hoped  that
       kingfisher,  collared  dove,  wood                                                  Maps will be in place by May.
       pigeon,  chaffinch,  blue  tit,  great  tit,
       long tailed tit, starling, goldfinch,  little
       egret, buzzard and a tree creeper (see                                              Surgery
       photo). The tree creeper is a small, very                                           Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       active,  bird  that  (as  the  name                                                 communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
       suggests) creeps up the trunks of trees                                             If  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District
       in its quest for small grubs and insects. It                                        Council please do come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get
       has  a  long,  slender,  down  curved  bill,  speckly  brown  above  and  mainly  white   to the surgery my email address is
                                                                                                                                        Peter Wharf - District Councillor
       Let us know about your local wildlife sightings so we can add to the list.

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