Page 55 - BR-May-2018
P. 55

May 2018                              May 2018

 The success of that trip inspired the Group, led by Phil, to raise the funds necessary
 to bring 20 Latvian Scouts to join a camp at Trigon, and for an extended stay in
 and around the village in 1994.
 In  the  late  1990s,  the  Venture  Scouts  and  their  parents  were  inspired  by  Phil  to
 raise  the  money  needed  for  a  truly  adventurous  trip  to  Kenya  to  mark  the
 Millennium in 2000. This life changing trip for more than 20 youngsters saw them
 helping to build a medical clinic near Kibera in the slums of Nairobi, taking part
 with Kenyan Scouts in a week-long camp, climbing Mount Kenya and going on
 safari to Samburu.
 In the early part of the new century, Phil’s focus changed when he took on the
 responsibility of running Buddens Farm, the Dorset County Scout Camp. He never
 gave up responsibility for the Venture Scout section which became a district wide
 Explorer Scout unit in 2001.
 In 2010 thoughts turned again to a major expedition and the place chosen was
 Nepal. Preparations started and fundraising got underway. In 2013 20 youngsters
 from  Bere  Regis  took  part  in  the  expedition  with  Phil  as  one  of  the  leaders.  In
 addition  to  undertaking  a  charitable  project,  the  whole  team,  including  Phil,
 trekked to Everest Base Camp.
 In 2015, the major project chosen was once again an expedition to Kenya to be
 undertaken  in  2017,  and  Phil  once  again  agreed  to  be  a  leader.  This  time  the
 charitable  project  was  to  build  a
 dormitory  for  deaf  children
 attending a school in the far West of
 Kenya.  Again,  a  successful  camp
 was  held  with  Kenyan  Scouts  from
 t h e    r e g i o n .   Th e    g r e a t e s t
 achievement  perhaps  was  that  all
 the expedition members, youngsters
 and  leaders  and  including  Phil,  by
 now  aged  72,  achieved  the
 gruelling  climb  to  the  summit  of
 Mount Kenya.
 Throughout  this  time  Phil  had  been
 the  Group  Scout  Leader  and  the
 Venture/Explorer  Scout  leader,
 running  weekly  activities  whilst  also
 acting  as  quartermaster  for  all  the  tentage  and  equipment  in  use  by  the
 youngsters. He had also been responsible for the smooth introduction of girls into
 Scouting in the Bere Regis Group in the 1990s.
 After  38  years  of  involvement  with  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group,  Phil  continues  his
 connection  as  the  volunteer  quartermaster  of  the  group.  Surely,  this  is  an
 extraordinary record of volunteering.

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