Page 62 - BR-May-2018
P. 62

May 2018                                                                             May 2018

                                                                                            scheme running in Bere Regis, there are also some community transport schemes
                                                                                            which are available to residents to book for trips to specific locations. For those
                                                                                            not aware, the services available are:
                                                                                            PlusBus – This runs on a Thursday, going to Blandford and back at a cost of £5.
                                                                                            Spaces must be booked in advance and they will collect and drop off on your
                                                                                            doorstep.  To  book  simply  call  01258  287980  between  9.30  –  2.30  Monday  to
                                                                                            Nordcat  /  Wareham  Hopper  –  This  bus  runs  3  trips  per  week  to  Poole  and
                                                                                            Wareham. You do have to register with them first which is a one-off £5 and then
                                                                                                                                          the  trips  are  £5-6  each,  or
                                                                                                                                          free if you have a bus pass.
                                                                                                                                          Tuesday  –  Bere  Regis  to
                                                                                                                                          Poole   leaving   approx.
                                                                                                                                          9.45am and getting around
                                                                                                                                          2 ½ hours in Poole.
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday – Bere Regis to
                                                                                                                                          Tower  Park  leaving  approx.
                                                                                                                                          9.45am and getting around
                                                                                                                                          2 hours in Tower Park
                                                                                                                                          Thursday  Bere  Regis  to
                                                                                                                                          Wareham  leaving  approx.
                                              If you are missing out because                                                              9.45am and getting around
                   CENTRE                                                                                                                 1 ½ hours in Wareham.
                                              of back or neck pain or injury
               TEL: 01929 472205
                                                     get in touch with                      Nordcat also run regular trips to larger towns and cities further afield and once
                    MOTs                                                                    you are registered they will send you a list of upcoming trips. To register with them
         (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)                                            or book any trips call Helen or Jennifer on 01258 472164.
             BRAKES * EXHAUSTS                                                              Open Spaces
                                                for FREE advice, or see our                 Souls Moor - the ponies will be returning soon, once the field has dried out. The
           COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS          website for tips and exercises for             wildlife  group  have  now  completed  the  winter  clearing  work  along  the
             LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR                                                           streamside  walkway.    The  group  have  also  sown  wild  flower  seeds  outside  the
            MOST MAKES AND MODELS                many common injuries.
                                                                                            school  entrance  and  we  are  hoping  for  a  colourful  display  again  this  year.    In
                                             And if you want to come and see                addition, at our request, DCC Countryside Service Team are sowing poppies on
        OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE            us, there's an amazing £15 off                 the roundabout at the bottom of Poole Hill, which will provide an attractive site
            IN THE MOTOR TRADE                  your first session with this                for  traffic  passing  by  and  will  be  very  appropriate  considering  the  WWI
                                                     advert.  (BRAF)                        commemorations.
              Proprietor: Bill Greer
              Unit 1 Townsend Business Park        Call 01305 757101                        The working party meets on the first Saturday of every month.
                 Bere Regis, BH20 7LA
              (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)     or visit our website

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