Page 56 - BR-May-2018
P. 56

May 2018                                                                             May 2018

       Friday      22  June 7pm                                                            PURBECK VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR
       Saturday 23  of June at 4pm please note the matinee is later this time
                                                                                           Readers  will  be  aware  that  each  year,  Parish  Councils  are  asked  to  nominate
                                                                                           individuals  to  receive  this  annual  award.    Here  is  the  citation  for  this  year’s
       Talk “ Walking in Mays Wood” by Linda Lamon will be on                              awardee.
       Friday 22  June 10.30
       This is a wonderful opportunity to see some fantastic photography from the Wood     Bere Regis Nominee -- Philip Ventham, Volunteer Scout
       and learn more about it everyone is welcome tea and coffee available.               Leader in Bere Regis
                                                                                           Philip  Ventham  has  been  involved  in  the  Scouting  Movement  most  of  his  life.
                                                                                           Joining Cubs aged 8 in 1953, he progressed to Scouts and Senior Sea Scouts as a
       Please Check out Pop In Place Website
                                                                                           teenager.  He  achieved  Scouting’s  highest  award,  then  as  now,  The  Queen’s
                                          Alison  Bennett Team Leader 01929 472023         Scout Award, in 1963.
                                                                                           When  his  eldest  son,  Mark,  became  a  Cub  Scout  in  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  in
                                                                                           1980, Phil very soon became involved in Scouting again, and helped the reformed
                                                                                           Group  grow  and  develop.  Soon  there  were  four  sections  operating  from  the
                                                                                           Beaver  section  at  6  to  Cubs  who  started  at  8,  Scouts  at  11,  and  very  soon  a
                                                                                           Venture Scout unit of teenagers as well.
                                                                                           Phil was one of the many leaders, parents and helpers who helped acquire two
                                                                                           old pre-fab schoolrooms in 1988 and re-built them on a site leased from PDC near
                                                                                           the Bere Stream in the village, opening in 1989.
                                                                                                                            As well as organising and running a multitude
                                                                                                                            of  UK  and  European  camps  and  weekends
                                                                                                                            away  for  the  Venture  Scouts  and  Explorer
                                                                                                                            Scouts  over  the  years,  including  sail  training
                                                                                                                            voyages,  canal  boat  trips,  and  numerous
                                                                                                                            hiking and cycling expeditions, Phil has also
                                                                                                                            been instrumental in organising several major
                                                                                                                            overseas expeditions which have benefitted
                                                                                                                            hundreds  of  young  people  both  from  Bere
                                                                                                                            Regis  and  the  surrounding  area  as  well  as
                                                                                                                            the   young   people   in   the   countries
                                                                                                                            visited.    These  expeditions  have  included  a
                                                                                                                            youth  trip  to  Latvia  in  1993,  a  month-long
                                                                                                                            expedition to Kenya in 2000, Nepal 2013 and
                                                                                                                            a return trip to Kenya in 2017.
                                                                                           In 1992, the village organised an aid trip to Latvia, which was just emerging from
                                                                                           Soviet rule. That  trip inspired a further aid trip with more than 20 young people,
                                                                                           mostly Bere Regis Scouts, which Phil led in 1993. Much needed aid was distributed
                                                                                           and a Scout Camp was run with Latvian Scouts and a party of orphans from Riga.

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