Page 43 - BR-May-2018
P. 43

May 2018                              May 2018

                                    experience  on  expedition  but  managed  to
                                    complete the challenge brilliantly.

         Scout News
         A  small  number  of  scouts  along  with  some  of
         our explorers enjoyed the ‘bunnies and bivvies’
         camp at Buddens in early April.   The clues are
         in the name but they ate fresh rabbit and built
         their  own  shelters  to  sleep  in.    Hopefully  the
         weather will be a bit warmer for our next camp
         and we hope more o the troop will be able to
         join us.
         As  you  can  imagine  the  summer  programme
         means the scouts will be outside in the fresh air
         a  lot  and  going  on  even  more  camping  trips.
         We are celebrating Earth Day by looking at the
         devastation   plastic   is   causing   to   our
         environment and how much of it ends up in our
         oceans.  Matchless fire lighting and one of our
         favourite activities of cooking is planned, as well
         as a river clean up, rafting and getting out and about on bikes.

         Beaver News
         During  the  Summer  term  the  Beavers  will  be  mainly  out  and  about  for  their
         Adventure Challenge badge!  This will involve activities such as hiking, zipwiring
         and bellboating, as well as river dipping and learning how to do outside things
         safely.   As part of the Safety Activity badge we will be visiting the fire station
         and learning about the green cross code, and we have also arranged a visit to

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