Page 41 - BR-May-2018
P. 41

May 2018                              May 2018
                                       debate  about  this  in  Parliament,  and  share
                                       the words of a young constituent living with
 Recently the Pop In Place have lost two of   cystic  fibrosis.  Hopefully  there  will  be  some
 its regulars                          good news about this soon, as I know that it
                                       will  make  a  huge  difference  to  many
 Linda died very suddenly at her home, this was a great   people’s lives.
 shock  to  us  all  but  especially  to  her  dear  friend  Marion
 and our thoughts and support is extended to her. Linda was a lovely lady her and   If  you  want  to  read  my  contribution  to  that
 Marion together were like our own village comedy duo.    debate, and all other questions and debates
                                       in  the  House  of  Commons,  you  can  find
 We collected money in Linda’s Memory and it was given to Corfe Castle Branch   them   on   my   website.   https://
 of the Royal British Legion to purchase a new flag, so the flag will always be flying
 high for Linda, may she Rest in Peace.
        I continue to hold regular surgeries for constituents all year round and if you have
 Tony  sold fruit and veg at the Pop In Place for many years giving most of it away   an issue that you need help with, please do get in touch;
 especially to the children that came in, he loved being part of everything there   email  me  on  or
 and  the  many  children  that  he  gave  fruit  or  bought  books  for  in  some  way   contact my office on 01202 624216. You can also follow
 compensated for not having a family of his own.   what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or
       Facebook or on my
 Tony has always used the thumbs up
 for  a  hello  or  a  goodbye,  often  he   website
 used the double thumbs up this was
 particularly  worrying  when  he  was
 driving  his  van  but  he  had  been
 doing  it  for  years  it  was  probably
 fairly safe. The last time I saw him the
 day  before  he  passed  away  in
 Dorchester hospital  he was very frail
 but  he  did  wake  momentarily  and
 gave us the thumbs up and said …well done !

 On behalf of the Pop In Place where Tony spent so much of his later life we would
 like to say For the incredible bravery you have shown in your life
 Well done!

 For your friendship and for everything you have
 done for others in the village and beyond
 A massive thank you, and a double thumbs up !

 Easter Event
 Thank you to all who attended our Easter Event
 this was truly a great community occasion with
 Angus Campbell the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset
 in  attendance.  The  JC  Puppet  theatre  was

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